Saturday, July 31, 2010

Taurus Personal Horoscope For June 2010

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At the beginning of June some Taureans might feel that they've reached their limit. There might be many things that are annoying you, and it's all been building up since the end of last year. In this light, there might be domestic turmoil, which threats to grind you to a halt.

However on June 6 or 7 there's a big change. Mars moves from Leo to Virgo. Life will suddenly get easier, and if you've recently had problems with your family, you have a chance to resolve them.

One way of dealing with the situation is to communicate. I say this because at the beginning of the month you'll be very sensitive, and you'll know how to put people at their ease. A few kinds words, said in the right way, can create a big and beneficial change.

From the point of view of close relationships, you'll have no difficulty getting your message across. You'll be clear about your likes and dislikes, and if you look around, you're sure to find someone nice.

Though if you're already in a relationship, it's important to take into account you're partner's needs. He or she will be very creative, and will be looking for new ways to express themselves. Give them plenty of support, and if they make an interesting suggestion, try to say yes rather than no.

In mid-June Venus, your ruling planet, makes a favourable aspect to Jupiter. You'll become very lucky, and this luck will take a rather unusual form. Things that on the surface are very ordinary could help you to achieve your ambitions. However for best results you should keep your good luck to yourself and not discuss your achievements with other people.

During the last half of the month your home could again become important, but for all the right reasons. You'll start developing a new relationship with your home environment, and you can make your home a happier and more comfortable place. But don't be tempted to spend too much money - remembering that beauty is something spontaneous, that can never be bought.

On June 26 there's a Full Moon. It occurs to you that there are gaps in your knowledge, about a crucial subject. It you want to act in your best interests, you'll do some reading and studying.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Analyze to Paralyze

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How many of us analyze everything to death....raise your hand! How many of us must have all the facts, all the inside info, all the I's dotted, T's crossed before we can make a viable decision.....raise your hand! How many people Google, Bing, Yahoo, read the paper, read books, double check your horoscope to find out what you want to know/need to know/must know before you go forward with any decision that you perceive is "major?" Raise your hand.

Me too....except for the horoscope part.

What happened to spontaneity and impetuousness? What happened to not worrying and taking a chance? Geesh. Did I get old or did I just grow up.

Here's what I know to be true:

Sometimes it's a really good thing to be cautious. We sometimes make better decisions when they are processed with deep-rooted perception after we have pursued an avenue wrought with months of insight and forethought.

But oft-times we over-think things to death. Or, if I was to quote the movie, The Princess Bride, "not to the death, but to the pain." We scrutinize the obvious which causes personal agony. Instead of making a decision and RUNNING with it, we second guess ourselves, procrastinate and cause more aggravation and FAILURE because we don't trust our inner voice.

Here's an example. My dad is one of the most brilliant men on earth....I mean Einstein brilliant....Edison brilliant. Truly a genius. Yet, when it comes to making a decision about a car, a doctor, a golf cart, he'll take FOREVER to make a decision. What happens, more often than not, is that he knows in his mind EXACTLY what he wants. Were he to go forward with immediacy, he would make the absolutely correct decision. But he second guesses himself, procrastinates and then puts himself in a position where he's under the gun with a deadline situation. He then has undue pressure and eventually, makes his decision, all the while wondering if he's right. The amazing part (perhaps not so amazing for a genius.....) 99% of the time, in the end, he's completely satisfied because his procrastinated choice was his original brilliant thought. If he had just gone through with his original plan quickly, he would have saved himself anguish.


We do it in our businesses ALL THE TIME. Instead of just making the sales call, we research and read and talk to other people and put off picking up that 5 TON phone and making the actual call to the potential client.

We start a network marketing business and before we introduce it to our friends, family, business associates, prospective customers, we decide that we have to learn the ins/outs/ups/downs of the company we now own. If we hearken back to when we were 3, 4, 5 years old or when we brought our small children to the beach/pool, we would be stymied at the thought of sitting on the sand/edge of the pool and saying to ourselves or our children, "Let's learn the patterns of the sand and waves or the depth/symmetry of the pool and then take the Red Cross swimming lessons before we ever put a toe in the water." That's Crazy-Making behavior! If we did that to ourselves and/or our children, would we EVER find the joy of playing in the shallow end? Of tentatively walking into the ocean/lake holding the hand of someone we love and trust? Of diving into the deep end?

To build a business, we CAN'T Analyze to Paralyze ourselves. The decision has already been made. I am going to be successful in this business. Therefore, I am going to dip my big toe into the water and have fun. I'm going to enjoy this venture and stop the Analysis Paralysis. I am going to networking events, picking up that 5 ton phone, introducing myself and my business. I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE, BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, that success is coming my way. Before you know it, you're diving in the deep end, riding the waves and having fun!

You can achieve personal success, business success and satisfaction if you just dip your big toe in NOW. Eventually, you'll be up to your neck in the cool, refreshing joy of achievement with the knowledge that you beat the odds and created your own future. Today is your day. Today you will achieve something positive. Believe in you, because I sure do! Swimmingly yours! Lori

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Aries Personal Horoscope For June 2010

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Mars is your ruling planet, and on June 6 or 7 it changes sign. This is big news - after all, Mars has been in Leo since October of last year. You have got very used to this Leo energy, and you have probably put a big premium on creativity. In other words doing what you do best, and not worrying too much about what other people say. It's also possible that you discovered a brand new talent, and that you're now desperate to put it into action.

Before I discuss the implications of this sign-change, I should say that in early June, as Mars traverses the last degrees of Leo, there could be real excitement. You could be meeting some very important people, who could help you out in many ways. Though I'm not suggesting that you hang around waiting for something to happen. In many cases you've have to take the initiative, and that means having the courage to ask the rich and famous for favours. You might be surprised by the response!

On June 6 or 7 Mars enters Virgo, where it stays until the end of July. This sign represents a very different energy than Leo. You'll become a lot more organised, and you'll realise that creativity on its own isn't enough. You'll also have to work very hard. In certain cases this means that you'll have to practice hard. So if you've recently starting learning something new, and you've discovered that you're good at it, then it'll be time to start fine-tuning your talent.

However I'm not saying that life has to be boring. Just before Mars move into Virgo, Jupiter enters your star sign. This is great news. Jupiter is the planet of good luck, and over the Summer things can really start moving for you. To be more specific, your social skills will be at the top of the range, and your enthusiastic approach will attract people's attention in a big way.

I should also say that the concept of freedom is going to be very important to you, and you might take the view that now is the time to break free from people and situations that had been holding you back. In the process you might lose some friends, but in the grand scheme of things that's a small price to pay.

In mid-June Venus makes a fantastic aspect to Jupiter. You become extremely lucky, and in terms of love you can meet someone who is attractive but also brilliant. However by the end of the month you might need to slow down - indeed in the cool shadows you can recharge your batteries, and start preparing yourself for new challenges.

Related :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย Top Game 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Your Most Profitable Business and Sources of Income - Career Horoscope

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People earn money in order to get a good life. A well selected profession diminishes uncertainties in life. An appropriate profession makes sure his or her accomplishment and a beautiful life. Vedic astrology has provided helpful ways to shape an ideal professional life.


While making a decision on selecting a career, a native may be in a quandary with the point whether to go for service or business. Vedic astrology points out that the presence of any weak planet in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th or 11th house of career horoscope would indicate that the native should go for service. On the other hand, business is the correct selection for a native if strong planets are placed in the above mentioned houses.

Any adept astrologer can easily figure out the following from your horoscope:-
Areas Suitable For Success In Work With Less Hurdles
Suitable Mode Of Earning Your Living (Business/Job)
Your Highest Period Of Growth/Setbacks
Periods When You Should Resist A Change
Suitable Remedies To Improve The Planetary Conditions.
2nd House Ascertains The Financial Status

The 2nd house of career horoscope offers an indication about the pecuniary condition of an individual. The 2nd house also reveals the achievement of a person. Earnings from alliance business and trading too are premeditated from this house.


The 4th house of horoscope verifies paternal wealth. The 5th house of kundli offers abrupt affluence to its native. The native may acquire money from lottery as this house has more often than not exalted planet. The standing of partnership in business and riches from nuptial relationship can be found out from the 7th house. An interested native may even obtain his or her opulence from in-laws.


In accordance with Indian astrological main beliefs, the 8th house in kundli is the indicator of afflictions as well as earnings of its native. The house points to unexpected prosperity, income from gambling, and monetary good turn from women. The 9th house is the house of fortune. The 10th house of career horoscope is the house of service, business and other occupations. This house signifies the category of earnings from government service and private sector. The spending of a native can be calculated from the 12th house of his or her kundli. You may make sure the ratio of your earnings and spending from the 12th house.


Moon or Sun in the 10th house points out assets from father or paternal relationship. When Sun is placed in this house it denotes the native may perform the role of his or her father. Likewise, Moon in 10th house implies riches from mother or maternal side. There is a chance of victory in fields influenced by Moon.

Astrologers pronounce that Mars in 10th house grants its native income from opposition. Mars improves its native's achievement in defense, army and ammunition department.

Mercury results in happiness and complete support of friends, both mental and financial. Jupiter in the 10th house connotes company and care of brothers. The native builds a lucrative career in education or as a counselor, advisor, lecturer and other Jupiter governed fields.

Venus in the 10th house insinuates native's tremendous income in art industry. She makes thriving career in dancing, music, painting, acting and other art associated fields. Astrology states Saturn in this house inspires its native to be hard working. As a result the native attains success in the fields of tourism, iron, cement, wooden furniture etc.

Thanks To :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย หลุดรูปโป้ Top Game 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gain Insight With a Compatibility Horoscope

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More and more people these days are turning to Astrology and the Zodiac to find some type of assurance that they are on the right path. One of the most popular topics they want validation on has to do with compatibility -- in particular, romantic relationship compatibility.

Romantic or Love relationships are more complex than other types of relationships because they have a lot more variables. Plus, there's a heavy dose of emotions involved. A good compatibility horoscope can help a person to take a more objective look at their relationship -- a non-emotional look. It can break the variables of their relationship down into its' component parts which can then be examined separately. When finished analyzing all these smaller categories, they can then make far more reasonable decisions about their relationship.

Here are some examples to show how compatibility horoscopes can help people with questions regarding their romantic relationship.

Let's pretend that you are both the same sign. Sharing the same sign and personal nuances can result in an extremely close relationship. But unfortunately, it could also result in something far less than a perfect relationship. Let's examine a Gemini couple for an example.

If you're a Gemini you already know that you are a complex individual -- possibly the most complex of all the signs. After all, you are your own twin! So now we're trying to pair up 4 people (from an astrological viewpoint). The main edge you have as a couple is that you already know what makes a Gemini tick.

You both know that you are creative, intelligent, good communicators, and highly inquisitive. At the same time, you know that your duel personalities can shift with little notice. It's these unpredictable switches that can cause problems in a relationship. A complete compatibility horoscope can give you deeper insight into your partners' complete personality, and bring about some "neutral ground" where you can happily co-exist.

Now let's see what happens when we combine a Gemini and a Pisces. At lease we're down to just 3 personalities instead of 4! Those born under Pisces are highly imaginative. They're patient, perceptive, and very sensitive and seriously considerate of the feelings of other people. Their tremendous imagination will enhance the inquisitive trait in the Gemini. Their patience will go a long way in tolerating their partners' ever-changing personality. And because they're sensitive to his/her feelings, it's unlikely that they'll come "unglued" when their Gemini says or does things that they honestly can't help. But, relationships being what they are, things could go a different direction.

Pisces has been known to gravitate towards obsessive/compulsive. This trait can make a Gemini go right through the roof. And the way a Gemini can be exceedingly blunt about sharing their points of view can have the same effect on the Pisces. Both of these characters have a lot to offer, and neither is necessarily wrong. But it's plain to see that a deeper understanding all around will be essential in nurturing compatibility.

In each of these examples, a complete compatibility horoscope would bring new insights into each partners' core personality traits -- helping both parties to better understand each other on a much deeper level. All relationships require some work from time to time, and a deeper understanding of ones' natural-born personality traits can make the ultimate difference in building a long and happy relationship.

See Also :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย Top Game 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Aries - Friday - 06/04/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Recommend :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย Top Game 2010 หลุดรูปโป้

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Does the Horoscope of Bernie Madoff Indicate a Potential For Fraud?

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When we look at the horoscope of Bernie Madoff there are three areas of interest. His abilities as a businessman, his abilities at persuasion, and his real abilities with money. Within this combination can we discover a disposition to commit fraud?

Business Abilities

Astrologically, business abilities are usually related to Venus, Taurus and the second house. In the horoscope of Bernie Madoff we find Venus is in the sign of Taurus and in fact he is a Taurean. Taureans have a reputation for gathering value to them and of establishing a solid and secure situation for themselves and their nearest and dearest.

Relationship Building Skills

In Madoff's second house we find evidence of ability at building relationships and that these relationships are either; from business, or lead to business. Relationships are indicated by the planet Chiron which we find in the second house and in the sign of Gemini. Communication and socializing reflect key attributes of Gemini. Combined we see strong capabilities for building relationships through various social activities that lead to business outcomes.

Communication and relationship-building skills are further enhanced by Mercury (the planet most strongly associated with communication) having a very positive angular connection with Chiron. The profile of Bernie Madoff shows him to be an excellent communicator and very persuasive. And with Mercury in Aries this gives added confidence and assurance to his manner of communicating and relating. There are even more factors in this horoscope that add to his ability to convince and present with substantial credibility. However these factors alone establish that his ability to make people believe him is possibly his greatest strength.

Money and the Potential for Loss

When examining any questions to do with money the first item to check is Venus. In his horoscope we find the money planet in its best sign for making money, Taurus. However, we see also that the singular most negative point (which is so in any horoscope) is right beside Venus; it is called the South Node and represents loss, lack, negation, negativity and stripping away. When it is beside Venus it can mean being at home in a nudist resort or someone for whom money will disappear into a black hole. There are positive ways to deal with this factor but fear and desire will usually take a person down the negative path.

Is Large Financial Loss Indicated?

A key planet related to success and large scale ventures is Jupiter. In Madoff's horoscope Jupiter forms a strong connection with Chiron to add another powerful dimension to his relationship building skills, however it comes at a price. Jupiter also has a close but negative connection with the money-loss combination of Venus and the South Node. Using the most basic of astrological meanings it translates into: large scale financial loss.

How Could it Happen?

In all likelihood Bernie Madoff probably had a bad run early in his career but found he could use his business knowledge and persuasive skills to cover up the loss. Possibly also he may have found that he was virtually invulnerable to doubt and distrust from others due to his remarkable ability to build trust.

Finally it should be remembered that a horoscope is something of a mirror and his ability to justify his fraudulent activities would have been a force in its own right. Thus, given his horoscope and his context, his actions do not surprise us astrologically.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Are Psychic Horoscopes Real? How to Get a Genuine Psychic Horoscope (Just Facts)

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Are psychic horoscopes real? How do they work? And how can I tell if my chart is real.....rather than being a big fraud or deception? In this article we are going to take a quick look at psychic horoscopes and see how we can help you get a genuine horoscope reading that really DOES see what's in your stars..:-) Curious to know more? Great.....continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Okay....but aren't horoscope readings sort of for entertainment value anyway? Is there any real truth to them?

Honestly? Some people believe that a psychic horoscope is amongst the most POWERFUL ways to get a glimpse of your future that there is. (even more so than similar style readings) And throughout human history there have been MANY very prestigious, influential and intellectual thought leaders who have been FIRM believers in the power of universal alignment, and it's effect on your life lineage and path.

My own experience with horoscope style readings has been dramatic, too......

I've always been interested in psychic mediums, and clairvoyants, and all sorts of paranormal phenomena...and have been actively getting "read" for just about 20 years. But it wasn't until about 5 or 6 years ago that I had my first chart done on the phone...and the results were so remarkable, I literally couldn't stop thinking about the reading for a long while! It started slow....but by the time we were done, I was so blown away by the degree of accuracy and insight my reader had shared, I literally spent the next month reading up on all sorts of "psychic explanations" for how it was possible!

Psychic horoscopes are NOT for everyone, either.....

If you are totally closed off, or so skeptical you simply can't wrap your brain around the possibility that you DO have a path, a destiny and a purpose, you may NOT want to get your horoscope done, or a chart read. That was sort of where I was a while back...and I'm super glad I changed my mind for sure.

The Key to finding a genuine reader is simple:

Look for services that have been around for a while, have GREAT guarantees (i.e. - a money back or better is ALWAYS reassuring..:-). Look for "snobby" psychic services..insofar as they are super selective about who they hire...and only work with the "best of the best" when it comes to available psychics who will be fielding your reading. I like to stick to networks that offer great customer service if you have a problem or question, and simply make you feel COMFORTABLE that the reading you are about to get is legitimate, accurate and 100% authentic!

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Friday, July 23, 2010

How Religion is Being Practiced in the Twenty First Century

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Religion is changing in the twenty first century. With the invention of the internet and television, people are becoming more aware of other faiths from around the world. If you lived in the year 1818, you would not be able to see live television programs from continents such as China and Africa. It is amazing that America is becoming more aware of religions from around the world.

In the United States of America, people are beginning to watch programs that have to do with psychics. These mediums tap into the spiritual world. They have the ability to communicate with the dead and to foretell the future of tomorrow.

In actuality, this is becoming more of a religion for some. Many people visit their spiritual adviser weekly. They discuss their personal problems such as love, money and career. They enjoy learning more about the future and what it could possibly hold for them. The future is full of surprises. You may never know or even realize what the future may hold. You can have a painful past and a lucrative future if you put your mind to it.

I believe that we can all learn more about ourselves by visiting with others that share a similar faith. Some people believe that we are born of another realm. There is a growing population of people that believe that we came from some sort of an ancient alien population and will someday be reunited with our alien brothers and sisters.

The year 2012 seems to be a mark for many people that the end of the world is near. I personally do not believe that the end of the world is going to happen in 2012. I sense that it may end as we know it at some point. However, only God knows the true end. I do not believe that man could predict such a thing.

As time moves on, we are going to see changes in religion. We are going to notice that life is not what it used to be. In many respects, we are going to look back on our existence and realize that we are moving into a new time. We have access to any type of information that we can get our hands on. Some of this information is fast and accurate. Other information is unique and powerful. If you ask me, you are going to have to manifest your own believe system at some point. It is the only way for someone to grow in faith and in time.

If you are like me, then you are going to have to test out what is right for you. I have been a Christian believer from as early as I can remember. However, I am also open to learning about new faiths and practices around the world. I often catch myself watching videos of people acting out on their spiritual beliefs. When we open our eyes to what is all around us, then we can truly find happiness.

Tags : หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Libra - Wednesday - 04/28/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Recommend :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย Top Game 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Capricorn - Monday - 02/22/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Tags : หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย Amazon2Pligg หลุดรูปโป้ Top Game 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Aquarius(June15-21,2009):Weekly Forecast By Munisha Khatwani

People born between January 20 to February 18 fall under this star sign. Take advantage of opportunities in love, money and more this June with a 7-Day Forecast. Munisha has geared herself up to update you with all that are in store for you in this video. What does your Angel Card say? Is this going to be a special week for you? Will your love meter be high or low??? Watch this video now!!! Visit to watch more of Tarot Card Reading.

Related :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย Amazon2Pligg Top Game 2010 หลุดรูปโป้

Monday, July 19, 2010

Zodiac Weather - Friday - 6/04/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

All 12 Zodiac Races, their emotional moods, and the planet positions presented in just 3 minutes by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live love bE*

Friends Link : หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย หลุดรูปโป้

Sunday, July 18, 2010

How to Keep a Scorpio Man Interested - Tips to Make Him Crave You More

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You want to know how to keep a Scorpio man interested. You've met a man like this and you've discovered just how disarming he can be. It's easy to fall head over heels for a man born under this star sign. These men are fiercely loyal and once they love you, they envision it to be forever. When you're in a serious relationship with a Scorpio man you don't have to worry over whether the beautiful woman walking by will turn his head because he'll be so focused on you. The problem is that once you experience this kind of love, you're going to want to keep it forever. That's why it's so essential that you learn how to stay emotionally connected to him.

Understanding how to keep a Scorpio man interested involves recognizing things that you absolutely do not want to do. If you do something that hurts a man like this, he'll have a very hard time letting it go. He may tell you that he's forgiven and forgotten, but don't be surprised if he uses it as emotional ammunition the next time you two have an argument. Instead of risking this, try to always be as honest and upfront with him as you can be. If you do something that you know will upset or anger him, be the one to tell him. He never wants to hear about your mistake from someone else. This can cause you to lose him in an instant.

If you're the type of woman who is in complete control of her own life, you have to learn how to let some of that go for him. Scorpio men are masters of their own domain. They don't want to be in a relationship with someone who will try and take the reins away from them. When it's decision making time, let him lead the way. You should always share your opinion with him, but don't come on too strong or try to persuade him to only see or do things your way. He'll pull back if you act like this and the relationship will be doomed.

Never try and make your Scorpio man jealous. If you want to keep him interested, don't play any games like this with him. Although you may feel the urge to flirt with someone else to increase your guy's attention in you, don't do it. You'll soon regret it when he ends the relationship. If you want him to stay devoted to you, always be as devoted to him as you possibly can be. He needs and wants that from you.

See Also :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย หลุดรูปโป้

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pisces - Friday - 9/04/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your daily video horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer, Christopher Witecki, and live love be!

Visit :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย Amazon2Pligg Top Game 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

August 2007 - Astrological Update & Monthly Horoscope

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Astrological Update:

Mars moves into Gemini for the next couple of months, challenging us to learn how to stay focused and in the present moment. One of the ways to stay in the present is to first notice when you're not! Take note of how often your mind is pulled into the past (regret, anger, resentment) or pulled into the future (anxiety, fear and anticipation.) By acknowledging and gently releasing past and future thoughts, your focus will return to what's happening in present-moment awareness.

Saturn in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius 8/1-13 gives you the opportunity to become aware of what has been repressed so you can bring it into the light of consciousness. As we bring light to our shadow, both individually and collectively, we can use the energy that has been used for suppression in more positive ways.

Mercury in Leo 8/4-19, emphasizes using the imaginative and playful aspects of the mind to create your own reality. By using the power of imagination and play we free the mind to generate new possibilities that far exceed the dualistic "this or that" mentality of the concrete mind.

To stay focused when Mars is in Gemini 8/6-9/28, try making lists of what you have to do so that you can keep focused on your immediate priorities. Cleaning up mis-communications or getting caught up on back correspondence or writing done is a perfect use of this transit.

With the new moon at 19º Leo on 8/12 (4:03 p.m.), it's time to celebrate your inner child. The inner child is the source of your creativity, spontaneity and enthusiasm. Bring a sense of play into your life by being willing to let go of seriousness and self-consciousness.

Use Mercury's journey through Virgo 8/19-9/5 to focus on the details of your life that have not been attended to recently. Even though you may not be aware of it, your energy is continually drained by incomplete actions. Let Mercury help you clean up your energy drains so you can be focused on your highest priorities.

Mars in Gemini opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius 8/21-25 is like the warrior going on a crusade in support of a lofty vision. Since Mars is in an air sign, representing intellectual dissemination, this is the perfect time to work on projects that speak to and communicate your highest ideals.

It's time to "harvest" our creativity as the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo on 8/23 at 5:08 a.m. Our job during the sign of Virgo is to utilize the discriminative faculties of the mind to improve and perfect our innate gifts so they are ready to share with others.

The full moon at 4 degrees Pisces 8/28 at 3:35 a.m. helps you surrender any sense of separation to experience the bliss of unity consciousness. Use the full moon to nurture yourself spiritually through contemplation, meditation, flowing movement and music.

Monthly Horoscope:

For Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

Aries 3/21-4/20

This is not the time to try and use strong will to make things happen. This will only lead to obstruction and frustration. Letting go of any attachment to specific outcomes will make things flow more smoothly.

Taurus 4/21-5/21

Your biggest challenge now is to get clear on what you want. Perhaps you need a break to check-in and discover exactly what that is. Take some time off and immerse yourself in what nurtures you spiritually.

Gemini 5/22-6/20

New ideas and perceptions are flooding your mind. It may be overwhelming as your mind wants to grasp the big picture and all the details, too. Try writing down this info each night to objectify your insights.

Cancer 6/21-7/20

Communication of your deepest feelings is very important right now. There may be a longing for connection with something greater than yourself. Offer it up to higher source and the connection is yours.

Leo 7/21-8/22

This is the time of the year for you to really shine! Follow the urge to expand through expressing and manifesting your creativity. There is great creative power available to you if you're willing to step into it.

Virgo 8/23-9/22

Feeling a little impatient with the speed of others? Your mind is highly energized so you need to be around people that can keep up with you. Stimulating conversations are the perfect outlet for this energy.

Libra 9/23-10/22

You may have to process some lingering disappointment or heartbreak right now. Perhaps you've experienced a loss that's hard to let go of. On a spiritual level, though, letting go will bring peace.

Scorpio 10/22-11/21

Learning the right use of power is the task at hand. Tremendous power is available to you to accomplish your career and financial goals. Check to see if this power is being used to lead rather than dominate.

Sagittarius 11/ 22-12/20

You have an ability now to combine practicality with idealism. Use your insight to communicate the vision and the "how-to." Realistic types will appreciate you for being able to speak their language.

Capricorn 12/21-1/20

Always the responsible one, you're learning how to work smarter and not harder. Accomplishment will be easier if you give up doing it all yourself. The universe will support you if you allow it too.

Aquarius 1/ 21-2/18

Are you feeling anxious or restless right now? If so, what's needed is to get out and move your body. Energy follows breath so if you want to balance your nervous system try running, yoga or breath work...

Pisces 2/19-3/20

It's a great time to practice the law of intention. What this means is that whatever you visualize clearly in your mind's eye you can create. Try it out with small objects you desire. Get clear and see what happens!

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Improve Your Relationship Through the Timeless Wisdom of Vedic Compatibility Astrology

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Relationships are one of the most important areas of life. The interplay between masculine and feminine energy is internal as well as external. The external relationship with our partner mirrors the internal relationship we have with these forces within ourself. Vedic relationship astrology is a remarkable system of scientific measurements, commonsense and holistic wisdom. Improving our external relationship, we improve our internal awareness and vice versa. Vedic astrology is deeply connected to the other Vedic sciences of yoga, ayurveda.

Both Western astrology and Vedic astrology uses the same planets, signs and houses. Yet, there are a few major differences between Western and Vedic astrology which reveal why Vedic Relationship astrology is so amazingly accurate.

Whereas Western astrology places importance on the Sun, Vedic astrology places more importance on the Moon. Vedic astrology uses 27 distant stars (called "Nakshatras") in the horoscope.

The Sun refers to our individual nature, not our desire to partner. Thus relationship compatibility must revolve around the moon, the planet of nurturing, vulnerability and receptivity. Vedic relationship astrology focuses mainly on the moons of the couple. Assessing the moons will reveal the flow of emotional energy and the quality of love flowing in the partnership. The moon is the planet of trust and comfort. It is related to our childhood, that time in life we are we were vulnerable. Based on this vulnerability we developed strengths, insecurities and complexes based on receiving things that felt good or bad. Throughout our life these strengths and weaknesses become modified, gently filtering our perceptions and attracting the experiences we feel ready to and worthy of receiving. We carry this fragile emotional psychology into our relationships. This is why when a person has a difficult childhood, they will repeat those difficulties in their relationships. It is because the Moon is what we are comfortable with, what is familiar to us. If turmoil is comfortable to us, that is what we seek in relationships. Astrologically, these emotional habits are shown by the Moon.

Vedic astrology uses 27 lunar signs as mentioned above. These 27 signs focus the subtle, refined emotional nature of each person with much more precision than 12 Western Sun signs. Yet within this increased precision there is even more refinement.

The "Ashta Kuta" (eight points) system classifies and compares each of these 27 archetypes based on more than ten criteria: (There are the 8 point giving Kutas and several other important comparisons)

* Friendliness with the other person's Moon ruler

* Temperament

* Sexual compatibility

* Vocation and caste

* Element and style (fiery, watery or airy)

* Capacity for receptivity and forgiveness

* Capacity to manifest externally as a couple, etc.

All of these criteria are actually applied to every planet in the chart adding a 10 fold strength just to the surface of Vedic Astrological compatibility. Through this subtlety it is possible to examine each planet.

In relationships the Planets show:

Sun - Our independence in the relationship

Moon - Our capacity to feel open and comfortable with the other person

Mars - Our strong ideas of how things should or shouldn't be in the relationship

Mercury - Our capacity to communicate and be flexible

Jupiter - Our common philosophies and principles, like values and religion

Venus - Our desire to experience pleasure with the partner and how we behave once the partner stops fulfilling us.

Saturn - Our need to feel safe, have proper boundaries and put in the necessary effort with the partner.

This amazing refined system shows all of the subtleties in human interaction, not just romantic relationships. It reveals why, perhaps you and your boyfriend have a good sex life, but cannot manifest anything outside of the bedroom. (High Gana Kuta, low Bhava Kuta). Or perhaps you share many interests in common but there is no spark, (High Graha Maitram, Low Yoni Kuta). Or perhaps you get along fine, but as soon as there is problem it is as if a whirlpool sucks you down into a maelstrom of confusion. (High Ashta Kuta points with Vedha or Rajju blemish)

To review:

* Vedic relationship astrology emphasizes the Moon, not the Sun

* Vedic relationship astrology uses 27 stars (Nakshatras) to delineate the planets with much more precision than twelve Sun Signs

* Vedic relationship astrology assess the 27 Star signs based on a ten-fold criteria to glean the subtle implications from each station in life.

This incredible level of accuracy is why they started arranging marriages thousands of years ago. It was not to oppress, it was to liberate and to help. It is no different than a nutritionist telling you what food is best for you or a counselor telling you which type of activities to avoid for increased peace and mental health. Once we learn to trust the universe again and restore the dignity to astrology, these truths will seem any more oppressive than a trusted doctor giving advice. Once rightly understood, Astrology is revealed to be an amazing tool for harmonizing our personal energy with the presiding universal wisdom that is all benevolent and leading us to the truth of who we really are.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Virgo - Monday - 01/05/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Happy New Year! Your Monday Video Horoscope Forecast presented by "Stand Up Astrologer" Christopher Witecki and live love be

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Astrology Love Signs - Find Your Best Match For Love!

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Astrology love signs are a good way to measure if two people are going to be a good match; how you get along with your lovers, family, friends, children or anyone else important in your life. Do you get along like two birds of a feather? Do you bounce back and forth between love and hate? Is he/she hearing what you have to say?

There are 9 other planets in every person's chart to check besides the Sun signs that almost everyone knows them selves by. As in..."I am a Scorpio. What's your sign?" A complete couples chart analysis will merge, modify, balance and polish all distinct elements in both individual's chart discovering a unique relationship experience that has a vastly different outcome for every couple. Astrology love signs are way more than just a Zodiac Sun sign match.

"A meticulous-minded Virgo might have a fling with a crazy, passionate leo but probably will marry an earthy Capricorn" kind of approach may be fun to play around with, but more likely than not, it will promptly end up being highly imprecise in real life experience. Which signs go with which? While there is certainly some truth behind signs that are said to harmonize with each other, zodiac Sun signs often times paint a person's portrait with a very broad brush, losing most if not all of the details. Comparing Sun signs by itself never creates the sort or quantity of info that is really important to know, whether your final decision is to have a fun fling or enter a life time partnership.

The Sun gives both approaches to major goals and the true inner self.

The Moon... Just in knowing the other individual's Moon sign you've got a powerful tool of understanding about the other individual's deepest wants and needs. Are they a cry-baby or are they a strong person you can depend on? Do they like to "baby" you or be "babied"? The Moon tells all. Dedicated or friendly with others? Decisive? Passive? Or Both!?

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Monday, July 12, 2010

ZODIAC Cancer (Disney)

!I DON'T EARN ANY MONEY FROM THIS MOVIE. IT'S MADE JUST BECAUSE OF MY LOVE OF ASTROLOGY AND DISNEY!THE ONLY THING THAT IS MINE IS THE IDEA OF USING THESE DISNEY(&OTHERS!) MOVIES FOR THE ZODIAC SIGNS! I forgot something - As Linda Goosman says: The three most important things for every woman Cancer can be ordered in 6 different ways(depending on their importance): motherhood - money - marriage money - marriage - motherhood marriage - motherhood - money motherhood - marriage - money money - motherhood - marriage marriage - money - motherhood This movie is connected with the zodiac sign Cancer.I made it with lots of love as I'll make the other 3 if I have enough time.Of course, the animation isn't mine - it's from Disney's films and also from Dreamworks(Shrek, Prince of Egypt,Paulie and I hope I won't miss something)20 Century Fox's Princess Anastasia...The information is from my favourite writer - Linda Goodman (especially the books Sun signs and Love signs)and there's something from me, too :) Enjoy! I'm really sorry that some of the films are in English and others - in Bulgarian.I hope those who doesn't understand Bulgarian have watched the films or will use their imagination :) I just don't have the films that are in Bulgarian in English.And sorry if I have some grammar mistakes :) Thanks for watching!Please comment and rate if you like it :) +The last unicorn

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Aries 2010 Forecast

2010 Horoscope Forecast for Aries by KT, The Astrologer.

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

How to Get a Gemini Man Back - Proven Advice to Win Back His Love

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Do you want to get a Gemini man back? If you've been in love with a man like this and you two are no longer together, it's emotionally challenging. You adore him and even though you know you should be moving on from the break up and picking up the pieces of your life, you can't seem to do it. You wish there was a way for you to go back in time and rewrite history so you two would still be together. You can't. You can ensure the future is different though. There are steps you can take that will help you get another chance at love with the man of your dreams.

One very important fact to keep in mind if you want to get a Gemini man back is to control your emotions. At the best of times, Gemini men struggle when confronted with an overly emotional woman. They aren't drawn to women who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Your guy wanted you to feel things deeply but he doesn't want all of that spilling over for the world to see. If you try and approach him to speak with him about getting back together when you're crying, he's going to shut down. He'll look for any excuse to end the conversation and you'll feel even worse about things. It's much better to present yourself as mature and emotionally stable. This will certainly go a long ways towards helping to get him back.

As you likely are already aware of, your Gemini man thrives on spontaneity and change. One reason that men born under this star sign break up with their girlfriends is because the relationship has become monotonous and boring. If you constantly do the same things and you become predictable, he'll find you less appealing.

That's why you can reignite his attention if you transform yourself into the woman of his dreams. Instead of being conventional, show that you're a firecracker. Do something completely unexpected. Go on a last minute vacation with your girlfriends, cut your hair or jump headfirst into a new career. Once he sees that you're full of surprises, he'll be drawn back in. He'll realize that there's a whole side of you he wasn't aware of and his curiosity will get the better of him.

Never lose who you are though when you are trying to get a Gemini man back. Hold onto your self esteem as tightly as you can. Never beg him to come back to you or plead with him to reconsider the break up. Instead, stay strong and belief in the woman you are. That confidence will shine through and he'll realize that you're a one in a million treasure who won't compromise herself for anyone. He'll love you more for that.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Star Sign Compatibility - Why Some Star Signs Are Made For Love and Some Are Not

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When you start dating someone seriously you may or may not be sure if they are the right person for you. A great way to check if they are is to look at your star sign compatibility. People possessing different star signs will sometimes be surprised to find that they or more or less compatible with their partner due to their respective star signs.

While Aries is generally seen as quite an outgoing horoscope sign, it can sometimes lead to jealousy as often the people who are an Aries can appear to be quite flirty when in actual fact they are just being friendly, making their partners jealous in the process.

When looking at Taurus for zodiac sign compatibility, you will find that sometimes, they can become possessive, which in extreme cases can ruin relationships, but when properly managed will help you show your partner how much you care about them.

Libras are lucky when it comes to the dating world. Their horoscope sign is highly romantic which is of great help when it comes to relationships. An important aspect of being a Libra is the ability to find someone who loves you as much as you love them. Often having a Libra star sign can be a curse as you end up being quite romantic, but finding a person who loves you just as much as you love them can be a nightmare.

Scorpio is an interesting personality as it is quite sexually aggressive but also a little controlling. Having this zodiac sign may be good in the initial stages of a relationship as you will be exciting and will always want to be around your partner but soon you may find your partner getting a little irritated with your controlling ways.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Don't Be Afraid

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Fear can often lead us to do some stupid things. We may be afraid to advance in our business because we think that investing our own money will not produce any significant outcome. It is important to go against your fears when it comes to making it in today's society. Many people from around the world don't know how to deal with their fears and they often feel like they need to take a break from their fear energy. Many people don't know how to deal with fear.

When we are afraid of something, it usually means that we believe that it is bigger than us. We often get scared that our job will not be there for us tomorrow or that somehow our opinions wont matter to anyone. Sometimes we fear that we may grow old alone and therefore we tend to get involved in social clicks that we may not even like.

If you fear anything, it means that you are supposed to discover why you fear it. God did not make you to have a spirit of fear. He wants you to feel free of fear. Fear only keeps you from growing as a person and getting involved in something. Many people all over the world want to use fear to their advantage. Some people feel that if they hide behind their inner walls fear, then they don't have to do anything significant. What are you afraid of? If you ask yourself this question, you may also remind yourself that fear is something that can go inside of you over and over again. If you don't conquer your fears, then they will follow you around for the rest of your life. Fear has a mind of its own and so few people actually understand fear.

We can learn to tackle our fear by connecting with people that have been through something scary in their life. When we are afraid, people usually respond to us in a positive way because they have been through something significant in their life as well. Learn to share your fears with a partner that understands what it is like to have this experience. You will find yourself growing more confident as you speak about what is going on inside of your heart and you will learn to grow with people that are in love with you. People can be kind when it comes to speaking about fear because everyone in life has had to overcome something. A great book to read concerning fear is, "Is Life Worth It? Sex, Money and Power from a Psychics Point of View" by Stephen Piperno. This book will help you to understand your fears and it will give you a solid interpretation of what you must do to help others that are afraid as well.

When you get scared, remember to say a prayer because God can give you the strength that you need and he can open your eyes to ways that will help you to conquer fear itself. When you learn to give your fears over to a higher power, God can also work with you in significant ways.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Virgo - Monday - 04/12/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Free Love Spells - Make Life Beautiful With Love by Your Side

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Love can make the world go round and it actually does. If you have found love, you know just how it feels and if you haven't you know just how desperate you are to find the right person who would mean the whole world to you. Finding true love is indeed difficult. Once you have found your Mr/Ms Right, love is sure to make you do things that you normally wouldn't even think of doing. Now that's what love is all about. You want to do all you can for the special person in your life even if it means going through hardships yourself. Life then seems too short and you wish to spend every moment with your beloved and really hope that time would just freeze for now. However, can you keep this going forever? Here is giving you the secret to everlasting love. Free love spells is all that you need to ensure that the love of your life remains yours forever and ever....

Love is a great high. However, with everything in life being so uncertain you cannot be too sure of retaining your love for life. It is better to be wise and do everything needed to keep your love intact rather than be sorry tomorrow. The free love spells are spells that you need to attract love and keep the love in your life alive. Free love spells just need you to do follow a few simple things and then you can be sure of keeping the spark alive throughout. Whether you have found the love of your life or are still searching, love spells can indeed work wonders for you. You can even do so with a special person in mind and lo and behold you would be amazed at the results it can bring.

There are just some simple practices that you need to follow. With no big hurdles to overcome you can now ensure that love is always a part of your life. Free love spells include acts like placing red roses in a special corner of the home specially meant for love. There are many love spells that lead to varied results like attracting love, retaining love or even keeping your love from straying. You could actually decide to use the one that you suits you best. Love spells of different kinds are meant to achieve different results. You need to learn and use the spells that you need to make your life more beautiful.

Love can leave a lasting effect and make everything around you beautiful and adorable. The power of love is one that is known by man since time immemorial. We as humans have a need to attain love. Life is simply not complete without someone you can call your own. Free love spells can help eliminate any love problems that you have and put you back on the beautiful journey called life with a partner by your side. Make sure to consult an expert so that you know exactly what to do to bring love into your life.

See Also :หีควย แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ แอบถ่าย ทางบ้าน รูปโป้ หี ควย หลุดรูปโป้ Amazon2Pligg

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Match Love Horoscopes - Is Aquarius Leo's Love Match?

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If you refer to match love horoscopes, there might be several reasons why you do this. Either you want to know your existing partner better, or you have a potential person with whom you try to set up new relationship and search for ways how to do it. Maybe you just want to find what zodiac sign person is the most compatible with your own zodiac sign. For all of these reasons match love horoscopes can be very helpful.

Aquarius and Leo

Further there is a quick overview with the purpose to answer the questions is Aquarius Leo love match. Let us explore compatibility of these two signs.

Leo all the time seeks to be in the center of attention and become a real leader. Aquarius in its turn avoids responsibility and excessive work, which might not satisfy Leo sign person. This couple can have success in relationship in the beginning, however if the ambitions of both partners are equally strong, they might start fighting for stronger position in family, for leadership and not be able to acknowledge that in a couple one partner still has to compromise something for the sake of relationship. Important that such compromises must be equivalent from both parties and both Leo and Aquarius must understand this.

This couple definitely will not last long if both partners aim for success in social public life, they will destroy each other competing for greater role and image.

Despite the above negative aspects, Aquarius and Leo have so much in common and if they will be able to disassociate themselves from social life, they can become a very successful couple. They adore traveling, having parties, being in a crowd of friends, they hate boredom and all the time search for new adventures. Such common interests can make their life cheerful and wonderful, full of emotions and new experiences.

Formula for success

Positive answer to the question is Aquarius Leo love match can be with the condition, that in this couple Leo will not fight for leadership and not all the time seek to be in the center of attention and Aquarius will accept responsibility in family matters.

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