Sunday, February 28, 2010
Zodiac Weather - Friday - 5/22/2009 - Soul Horoscopes
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Which Element of the Horoscope are You?
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No doubt that millions of persons begin their journey rushing through the newspapers to see the daily horoscope. We want the horoscope to tell us positive things will happen in the next 24 hours, like how will somebody look at us nicely, how fast we will be rich, or our love compatibility. In contrast, we are less interested to come up with a horror-scope like 'today is not your day for love, business deals are not in the stars for you today.'
But first of all, which element of the horoscope are You? Hmm... don't really know what the horoscope is? Well, the horoscope is an astrological chart for a specific person or group that correlates each zodiac sign as they are crossed by the Sun, Moon and planets and the position of planets in astrology. Now, the elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water are based on ancient Greek philosophy; they are the building blocks of life: the solid earth upon which we stand, the running water we use as a resource, the air we breathe and the fire which keeps us warm and aids in the creation of additional resources. The horoscope elements reflect a quality of human nature and correspond also with the Tarot: Fire = Wands; Earth = Coins; Air = Swords; Water = Cups.
Here are the list of the Sun Signs elements, but if you still don't know, ask mom for your birthday and keep reading this:
1. Earth Signs
Well-grounded, and realistic, your earth sign makes sure you stay in the real world. When it comes to friendship, no-one is more rock steady than you. A builder of long-lasting bonds, you are talented in business and good with money. You find fulfillment in seeing tangible results for your efforts.
Earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Taurus (April 21 - May 21): They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank. The ruling planet for Taurus is Venus; the color of choice is Pink, and its star stone is the Emerald.
Virgo (August 23 - September 23): They need the stimulus of practical problems to be solved rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thought. The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury; the colors are Green and Dark Brown, and its star stone is the Sardonyx.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20): They plan carefully to fulfill their ambitions; they are economical without meanness, and able to achieve great results due to their organizing ability. The ruling planet for Capricorn is Saturn; the color of choice is Brown, and its star stone is the Black Onyx.
2. Fire Signs
These three are the sexiest signs in the Horoscope. Enthusiastic and creative, courageous and spontaneous, confident and fun-loving, you are ardent in love. Other cooler signs may be dazzled by your bright flame.
Fire signs are: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bring out the best of loyalty from subordinates. The ruling planet for Leo is the Sun; the color of choice is Gold, and its star stone is the red Ruby.
Aries (March 21 - April 20): The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, adventurous, ambitious, and impulsive. The ruling planet for Aries is Mars; the color of choice is Red, and its star stone is the precious Diamond.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21): Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. The ruling planet for Sagittarius is Jupiter; the color of choice is the Rich Purple, and its star stone is the Topaz.
3. Air Signs
These three are the most intellectual signs of the Horoscope. Their skills make them great thinkers and problems solvers.
Air signs are: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Gemini (May 22 - June 21): Since they lack the quality of conscientiousness, they are apt to fight a losing battle in any attempts they make to be moral. The ruling planet for Gemini is Mercury; the color of choice is Green, and its star stone is the Agate.
Libra (September 24 - October 23): Librans are sensitive and have the psychic gift of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism. The ruling planet for Libra is Venus; the color of choice is Blues, and its star stone is the Sapphire.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 19): Many are psychically intuitive to the Age of Aquarius, an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening. The ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus; the color of choice is Turquoise, and its star stone is the Turquoise.
4. Water Signs
These three always stay tuned to their feelings, conscious and subconscious, with a level of intuitiveness sometimes bordering on the psychic. Water is the element of the poet, which have them ready to interpret the universe.
Air signs are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22): The Cancerian character is the least clear-cut of all those associated with the signs of the zodiac: It can range from the timid, dull, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant, and famous. The ruling planet for Cancer is the Moon; the color of choice is Silver, and its star stone is the Pearl.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22): They are like a volcano; they can erupt at any moment. Their tenacity and willpower are immense. The ruling planet for Scorpio is Pluto; the color of choice is dark Red to Maroon, and its star stone is Opal.
Pisces (February 20 - March 20): They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own. Their psychic and spiritual qualities can lead them into careers in the church or as mediums and mystics. They are also sexually delicate. The ruling planet for Pisces is Neptune; the color of choice is soft Sea Green, and its star stone is the Moonstone.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Horoscopes: True or False
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Are you one of those people who take their horoscope very seriously? I would caution you against it. The oldest lines that are true for everyone are: You will meet someone from your past. Everyone you meet is from your past! Even back to five minutes ago, those people are in the past. Another one is that you will be successful. Positive thinking is proven to be extremely influential, and if you believe that you will succeed, you will. A daily reading is not necessary for success. The real dangers are when your horoscopes are negative. You don't have to accept any negative forecast over your life. You have more control over some things that you might think you do. Don't rely on your horoscope to tell you about your love life, financial situation or success.
There is danger in allowing someone else to influence your decision making in the area of romance. You could have a wonderful significant other that truly is right for you. Maybe you are thinking that it is too good to be true, and your horoscope tells you that they are not the one. You could be throwing away the love of your life for no good reason other than a silly superstition. Love relationships should never be determined by an outside influence. How many times do you think the horoscope says, "you will find true love?" They always say that. Only you can know if someone is right for you. If you find that you are not happy most of the time, it's probably not working out. Decide what you truly want, and then don't compromise it. Don't be extremely picky, but at least decide on what you don't want, and refuse to accept those things.
If you want the winning numbers, I'm sorry but the horoscope doesn't know. Of course there is a chance that they can be right about your lucky numbers. There is usually a one in a million chance of this, however. Your chances of winning are not any further increased by getting numbers somewhere other than your own head. The lottery is a dangerous addiction. The psychology behind it is called partial reinforcement. Sometimes you win, so you keep playing, lose, and believe that since you won a little before, you can will again. Eventually, you lose money, or break even. It becomes a habit and a waste of your time and money.
If you rely on your horoscope to tell you your fate, beware. General horoscopes are aimed towards a general audience, not to you. If there is anything negative, you can choose not to accept it. Statistically, people with positive attitudes get more of what they want out of life than people with negative ones. What you believe is more often than not what will happen to you. If you fear something with intensity, it will probably happen to you, because you are trying too hard to avoid it. That is called, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you really want to accomplish something, you should be determined to make things work. You have a choice on whether or not to make what you read a reality for your life. Truth or lie is up to you to decide. Go ahead and read the horoscopes. They are good to pass the time if you are bored, and maybe for a good laugh, but don't trust your whole life to it.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Love Horoscope And Sex Horoscope Help You To Seduce The Man And Woman You Want!
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Love Horoscope and Sex Horoscope Help You to Seduce the Man and Woman You Want!
Reveals the secrets to seducing the person of your desire based simply on his/her zodiac sign
To Seduce a Virgo Man
The type of woman who attracts the Virgo man in search of company always appears well groomed and conservatively dressed -- and, above all, has an air of propriety. They are very particular, and desire nothing short of perfection in their potential mates, which can leave them out in the cold more often than not. Good manners and good taste are essential for the consort of a Virgo man, as is a sense of personal responsibility.
He can be slowly seduced by a woman who can makes herself useful to him in little ways that can make him feel as though he cannot get along without her assistance. A Virgo man's paradox is that while he is seeking the perfect person (and rejecting many who were judged not perfect enough), he may settle his attentions on a woman who present a "unique fixer-upper opportunity."
To Seduce a Libra Woman
The type of man who attracts a Libra woman is charming, polite, and well dressed -- it also helps if he's good looking, romantic, and a bit old-fashioned as well. They tend to respond to mental and verbal flirtations more so than the crude physical kinds. Libra women can easily be charmed by a smooth talking suitor, and are generally attracted to creative types.
Serenity is what they are after, yet it becomes boring to them in the end, so they also like to shake things up a little now and then -- everything is kept in a neat and tidy balance in their lives. They are aroused by aesthetics and the perception of beauty, whether intrinsically or extrinsically. They may also find an argument arousing, as long as it remains verbal and does not get physically threatening.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Your Horoscope Love Match
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Frequently, when a girlfriend has met a new man, she’ll ask me if I can take a look at his birth chart and see if they match. And the answer is always “Yes!” A horoscope love match is always present; you can always find the reason why people are attracted to each other when you compare their birth chart.
Traditionally, it’s said that the best horoscope love match is between men and women born in the same element. That means that a woman born in one of the fire signs Aries, Leo or Sagittarius would match with a man born in one these signs, too, or that a woman born in one of the earth signs Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn would match with a man born in one of these signs. The water element woman of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces would go well with a water element man and airy Gemini, Libra and Aquarius women would fit with airy men.
Sure, being born in the same element creates a certain basic understanding between the two of you, but sometimes this can create a relationship where everything feels very familiar and safe. Of course, for some couples this is the main attraction of a relationship, even a romantic one. Take Camilla and Charles, for instance. As he is a Scorpio and she a Cancer there is foundation of similarity (though Diana was also a Cancer, so only sharing the same element is not enough!). Camilla and Charles’ Suns make an exact trine. As if that wasn’t enough, they are both born with a Leo ascendant, almost on the same degree, which give them the same royal approach to the world – Leo is the royal sign of the zodiac. That also makes them share the same point of Midheaven, in Aries, which make them even more similar as they both are types who like to do things fast, preferably yesterday, and who find everything new exciting.
You might not be a risky type and feel better when you truly feel you understand and know your partner. But other women might find this kind of romantic relationship plain boring and settle for friendship instead.
I think it’s especially interesting to watch how safe, sound, practical and down to earth female Virgos again and again choose men who are just the opposite: wild, unorganized and absent minded. It’s like this man brings out her inner need for creating order out of chaos. Of course, should she succeed thaming him he’d become so boring that she’d leave him!
More important than the Sun signs for a horoscope love match is looking at the planets of the natal charts. Sexual attraction is indicated when Venus and Mars meet, whether in a conjunction (that is that Venus in the woman’s chart is in the same sign and on the same degree as Mars in the man’s chart, or vice versa), a trine (120 degrees between the planets), square (90 degrees between the planets) or opposition (when Mars in one person’s chart is exactly opposite Venus in the other person’s chart). In the chart of Charles and Camilla his Venus is trine her Mars. Likewise, aspects between Uranus and Venus, Uranus and Mars or Mars and Neptune bring romance, electric attraction and strong desire into a relationship between two people. In the charts of David and Victoria Beckham her Venus is conjunct his Mars and his Venus is conjunct her Mars. In addition, his Uranus is trine her Mars and his Venus is trine her Uranus. Talk about sexual attraction!
It’s a common misbelief that the square and opposition are harsh aspects that brings unluck and disappointment. In a love relationship these aspects might actually create dynamic and sparkling attraction. Take Brad and Angelina - the Venus of Brad is square her Uranus and opposite her Venus.
In a horoscope love match one also need to look at the different houses. The 7th house is considered the house of marriage and planets here as well as the cusp of the house (the sign in which the house begins) is a good indication of what a person needs in a relationship. It’s not uncommon that a woman with for instance the 7th house cusp in Leo always falls for Leos or men with Leo ascendant. For sure, the Leo qualities – grandeur, generosity and warmth will always be very important in a love relationship. Likewise, a woman with the 7th house cusp in Gemini needs to meet her partner on a mental level and have a love affair where you can talk a lot and discuss everything. Camilla and Charles’ 7th houses are both starting in Aquarius, which indicates that friendship and equality is very important to both of them. David Beckham’s 7th house starts on the same degree’s as Victoria’s Neptune – a strong indication of a marriage of passion and romance.
Will it last? Well, that’s mainly up to you!
An indication of endurance and stability, and in lasting relationships there will often be aspects between Saturn of one partner and the Sun, Ascendant or Moon of the other person. Take Bill and Hillary Clinton. Her Saturn is on the same degree as his Leo Sun. Camilla’s Saturn is conjunct the Ascendant of Charles. Brad’s Saturn is trine Angelina’s Sun and sextile her Moon, while her Saturn is opposite his Moon and trine his Ascendant.
Both Saturn and the Moon’s nodes are “hands of fate” and might indicate that the couple have a relationship that goes back to former lives and that they now take onto a new level. Hillary’s north node is on the same degree in the chart as Bill’s Moon. David’s north node as well as his Saturn are trine Victoria’s Venus.
A “perfect” horoscope love match might make promises, but in the end it’s up to you to keep them! You need to make the best out of your relationship – the planetary aspects are not doing the job alone.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Chinese Love Horoscope - Zodiac Signs
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Chinese horoscope is made up of 12 zodiac signs. These signs represent different animals and these animals are dog, dragon, horse, monkey, ox, pig, rabbit, rat, rooster, sheep, snake and tiger. According to religious prodigy, Goutam Buddha once called up a meeting in the forest and these twelve animals were present there to attend the meeting. This makes these 12 animals so important in designing the astrological structure.
These animals take an important place in the Chinese Astrology. It is said that Goutam Buddha offered every animal a year. Moreover, he explained that the individuals born in that particular year will be blessed having the qualities of the animal leading that particular year, for example, when someone born in 2006, he or she will get the qualities of the dog.
The understanding of Chinese Love Horoscope is bit complicated. Five elements rule this horoscope. These elements are Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood. According to the Chinese astrological philosophy, each planet is associated with each element, for instance, Earth to Saturn, Fire to Mars, Metal to Venus, Water to Mercury and Wood to Jupiter.
Chinese Love Horoscope follows a sixty years of life cycle which is derived from the permutation and combination of 12 signs and 5 elements. The horoscope is designed depending on critical reactions and interactions between the signs and elements. Depending on these vital interactions, Chinese Love Horoscope is able to predict the best possible match among two partners.
Although love is something that occurs spontaneously between two persons on earth, explaining the strength from the perspective of Chinese Love Horoscope can offer the best result. With the help of Chinese Love Horoscope, one can be able to discover his or her best possible match. In addition, it can also help to understand the strength and compatibility level between two persons.
In addition, Chinese Love Horoscope helps to find out individual personality and love life of an individual, so it is possible to come up with relevant predictions about how the person is going to lead his personal and emotional life. To some extent, it also helps in understanding the marital life as well. As a whole, Chinese Love Horoscope deals with a person's entire emotional regime.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Aries Horoscope - December 2008 Astrology Forecast
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Monthly: Aries December 2008 Prediction
Job and Career Horoscope in December 2008
People born under Aries sun sign will be in a mood to take initiative so they will love to work for long hours. 18th and 19th, 27th and 28th December are very important dates for work and related matters. This is the right time to grab opportunities on the career front, feels Ganesha.
Business Horoscope in December 2008
Venus, the Lord of the seventh Solar Mansion, from Aries sun sign is passing through Capricorn till the end of the first week so time is good for new tie-ups or business associations. For people born under Aries sun sign, this is the right time to pay off dues/debts that they might have taken in the past.
Finance and Money Horoscope in December 2008
This is the 'power month' for money matters as Venus, the Lord of the second Solar Mansion, from Aries sun sign is transiting through Capricorn and later is entering Aquarius. The financial inflow will be more than satisfactory but the capacity of the people born under Aries sun sign to spend money will also be increasing.
Love/Marriage/Personal life Horoscope in December 2008
Those single and looking born under Aries sun sign may fall for someone very suddenly this month. They may sing Phil Collins' song, "This must be love, I'm feeling, This must be love". Those already in a relationship will be sharing philosophical and religious views. Married couples will be taking dips in the river of love throughout the month of December.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Astrology's Aries and Astronumerology - Numerology and Horoscope Combined
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If your birth date falls between March 21st and April 20th, you were born under the sun sign of Aries the Ram. You may think that Aries basic Horoscope doesn't fit you that well. Read on and see if your Astronumerology combination is a better match for you.
Astronumerology a Powerful Combination
Astronumerology is the brainchild of Pamela Hobs Bell and astrologer Jordan Simon. Together, they cross-compared the traits of the various Horoscope signs, and the Life Path numbers of Numerology. Their system gives an excellent personality short hand which you can use to find your basic personality traits. You can calculate your Life Path by summing all of the digits of your full date of birth using fadic addition to reduce the sum to a single digit. For example, singer Elton John was born on March 25th, 1947, so his Life Path number is (4) as shown below.
Elton John (Life Path) = (03 + 25 + 1947) = (1975) = (1 + 9 + 7 + 5) = (22) = (4)
Use this number to look in the table below to find his Astronumerology combination. The various combinations for Aries are as follows.
Aries (1) - The Bold Champion
People with this combination can't resist a challenge to their ability to reach a goal. All it takes to get you moving against an obstacle is for someone to tell you the magic words: "No you can't". Nothing makes you happier than making others admin they were wrong about you. The only thing that calls fourth even greater effort on your part is when someone in trouble ask for your help, especially if they can't fight their problem themselves. You are a born Leader with a warrior's confidence in yourself. People just need to step back and let you do your thing.
Aries (2) - The Considerate Warrior
Those with this combination will always respond to a passionate cause, be it a world to save or a person to be rescued. You are willing to make war as easily as you are to make love. You have a strict code of ethics and strive to make the world a better place. You are quite impulsive, and can be sidetracked by things that match your interest. You never quit something you've started, and never give up on those you believe in.
Aries (3) - The Practical Romantic
Those with this combination love new things and will try anything once. You are the classical Peter Pan, with unlimited charisma and a wonderful sense of humor - you don't mind laughing at yourself. Always a child at heart whatever your age, you can do anything provided you stay focused and don't get sidetracked. You are also a talented multi-tasker and can keep a large number of projects running smoothly.
Aries (4) - The Motivated Architect
Those born with this combination are brilliant visionaries who make their ideas come true. You know you were put on this earth to make things happen. You think big, but temper your ideas with practical wisdom - you hardly ever bite off more than you can chew. And when one of your projects does fail, you find ways to use the pieces of it that worked on something else. You never waste what you have developed. You are a born finisher, and see your plans all the way through to the end.
Aries (5) - The Creative Liberal
People born with this combination are born risk takers. You tend to live in the present and don't worry about tomorrow. You are like the cat climbs the tree to reach the heights; never mind that someone has to get a ladder and get you down. You will be climbing to some other height tomorrow. Personal freedom for all is a watchword for you, and you will always fight efforts to curtail those freedoms. Your have an abundance of curiosity, and plan to live a full and varied life. You've also mastered the political mantra that today's enemy can be tomorrow's ally; you try to always make your combats impersonal.
Aries (6) - The Intrepid Idealist
People born with this combination spend as much time helping others reach their goals as they do themselves. You see the undeveloped potential in others and try to help them realize it, even if they don't wish to. You plan to try everything in life, and encourage others to do so as well. You are a natural corporate cheerleader and are only discouraged when others turn on you and chew you out for your efforts. You are tough on your loved ones and always regret it when you hurt their feelings. You also have a mischievous sense of humor.
Aries (7) - The Scientific Psychic
People born with this combination are a mixture of a reserved perfectionist and a pragmatic psychic. When learning a new skill, you will work at it tirelessly until you can do it perfectly every time. You love games for their own sake, but sometimes tire of them and walk away, to the utter bewilderment of your adversaries. Education for its own sake is almost a religion for you. You are always working at learning something new. Your curiosity knows no bounds, and you will try anything if the mood strikes you. When you really want something, you always find a way to get it, sometimes with miraculous results.
Aries (8) - The Inspired Professional
If you were born with this combination, you are a deep thinker. You always look at both the rewards and consequences of taking any action. You understand that right and wrong in a certain situation is always a matter of perception and choice. You are truly impartial and fair in all your dealings with people. You will not tell someone what to do in a situation, but you will tell them what you would do and offer your opinion of how that action would work for them. You are a soul destined to travel far from home. You are used to having people look to you for protection and guidance, as well as friendship. And you never let yourself be boxed into a corner; always leaving yourself room to maneuver.
Aries (9) - The Enterprising Performer
If you were born with this combination, you are a human dynamo, radiating energy and charisma. You have a gift for knowing just what makes someone tick, and can always get them to laugh, cry, or give in and let you have your own way. You love the limelight and feed on the approval and attention of others. But, you also care about those around you and will cut out the charm to keep people from getting hurt. You are a realist at heart and see the world with the same clarity that you do other people. You are a practical visionary who desires fame and fortune, but you also want to live the good life along the way. You believe in yourself, and know that faith and determination will always take you where you want to go.
Chinese Love Horoscope
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I have always had an interest in the Chinese love horoscope and I decided to tell you all about it. The Chinese horoscope is simply formed around the twelve signs which make up the Chinese zodiac. Like most zodiacs this is made up of twelve elements however in the horoscope these are depicted by animals.
So what are the animals in questions?. The 12 animals used in the Chinese zodiac are namely rat,ox,tiger,dragon,rabbit,snake,horse,monkey,sheep,rooster,pig and dog. Legend once says that Buddha invited all the forest animals to a meeting, however only twelve of them showed. Based on this he gave each animal a year and stated that every person who was born on that same year would possess the qualities of that particular animal.
Ok so you are able to follow the Chinese love horoscope thus far but it gets a little bit more complicated. The horoscope is ruled over by five elements , these being wood,fire,earth,water and metal and then to complicate things further each element is connected with a planet: Jupiter to Wood,Saturn to Earth,Venus To Metal,,Mars To Fire and finally Water to Mercury.
The final icing on the cake is that the chinese love horoscope follows a 60 year cycle which is literally a permutation of the twelve signs and the five elements. Basically to create the horoscope it is dependent on the various reactions and interactions between the elements and the sign themselves. I hope this article has helped your understanding