Friday, April 30, 2010


Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to Find Your Best Lover

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Certainly, you could argue that hormones are stronger than good sense and that's why so many of us do foolish things that really hurt in our relationships . I guess that's why most of us seem destined to fulfill that old adage, "Fools walk in where angels fear to tread."

But we can't always blame our hormones for making bad relationship decisions by connecting to the wrong people. There other less obvious reasons.

The most important reason is that we simply do not really know those people who attract us. Most of us simply do not have enough accurate information about the other person. We simply go by what we see and what we feel.

Yes, I know, there are tons of dating sites that claim that their profiles are very accurate and that they can help you find your true love. But there are endless stories of how people were deceived by these shallow and inadequate profiles.

Believe me, this is a deadly trap that you need to seriously avoid. So, what can you do?

I say without an ounce of reservation that you use astrology. Now, before you run away, I know that you have probably had some kind of experience with those automatic, astrological compatibility lover reports that have been very disappointing and just as inadequate the psychological profiles. But, I am talking about some very important discoveries I have made over the 50 years I have been doing this..

First, it is important to realize that human beings are very complex and are often created with several conflicts. When you bring your own attitudes and desires into relationship with another person, you create a harmonious or negative energy field. The sad thing that usually happens is that you had no idea that such conflicts would ever arise between you.

The conclusion is that you need more accurate information and better analytical tools than those created by psychologists and computerized astrology reports. If you want to find your best lover, you have to know how your inner chemistry works with the other person. Otherwise, you are playing romantic roulette and traveling where "angels fear to tread." So, I am going to give you

Yes, I am going to give you an astrological tool, but you will soon learn that this is one of the best tools you can use to see if a relationship has a chance.

Here's what you need to find out if a person will really like you or if you will end up not liking them. This can help you determine if you should even get involved in the relationship.

1. Get a copy of your astrological chart by going to

2. When you have the printed chart, look for the planet Saturn and what sign it is in. Saturn looks like an "h" and the sign may look like the horns of a ram (Aries) or some other sign symbol.

3. Then you look at the chart of a potential lover and see if their Venus is in the same sign as your Saturn. Do yo remember what Venus looks like? It a is a circle with a cross underneath the circle.

4. If your Saturn is in the same sign as their Venus, you will end up not liking them. Of course, you may feel this right away when you meet them, but this is a way to confirm your intuition.

5. Likewise, if their Saturn is in the same sign as your Venus, they will end up not liking you.

Please don't take my word for any of this. It is best to find this out for yourself. It is only one of the many tools that astrology can offer you to determine what a relationship is really like. If you would like to learn more, just check out my website below.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Horoscopes - Gemini (05/22 - 06/21) presents...If you are a Gemini then this Horoscope is for you! The attributes of a Gemini are described, in terms of personality, attitude, etc. Find out what kind of person you are!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Leo - Monday - 2/16/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Monday Video Horoscope presented by "Stand Up Astrologer" Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cancer - Monday - 02/01/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Where To Find Love In Your Astrology Chart

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No single aspect in the chart explains all the complexities of who and how we love. Not only do all aspects (connections) to Venus or Mars need to be considered, but also their sign and house placements. For a deeper understanding of relationships and how they play out in a person's life, we also need to look at the condition of any planets in the 7th, 8th, and 5th houses AND the rulers of those houses.

When considering the total relationship picture, you'd also look for planets aspecting the Ascendant/Descendant axis--that is, to the degrees on the cusps of the 1st and 7th houses. Since these house cusps are precisely opposite one another, any planet that aspects the Ascendant also aspects the Descendant. The quality of relationships with people you care about can be strongly affected by planets that form aspects to this axis. The Descendant and 7th house planets are similar in concern to Venus, since their primary function is in forming committed relationships. Thus, having Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto in the 7th house or forming an aspect to the Ascendant-Descendant axis would be similar to an aspect between Venus and that outer planet. If the planet is Uranus, for instance, read the chapter on Venus-Uranus aspects to understand what that connection contributes to the person's relationship patterns.

Conjunctions to the Ascendant or Descendant are the most powerful modifiers--they're like doormen that people have to check in with for admittance into the person's inner life. Trines to that axis show social assets that attract people, as do sextiles. Squares and semi-squares are like security checkpoints along the way, because they can show how people run into conflict with their environment.

Few of us have only a single aspect to Venus or Mars, and celebrity heart-throbs generally have several, which is part of the reason they engage our hearts and fascinate us over any length of time. Given that each individual is extremely complex--as complex as the totality of a natal chart--then what happens when two people relate is complicated indeed. So, no, looking at a single Venus or Mars aspect doesn't begin to cover all the dimensions of our relationships.

In my astrological practice over the past 40 years, I've seen thousands of people with each major Venus and Mars aspect, but let's use Venus square Neptune as an example. The details may vary considerably, but the over-all dynamics tend to be the same, as are the results. Maybe the bohemian earth mother in New York's Soho district with Venus in Cancer square Neptune in Libra tries to nurture the sensitive artist. He smokes pot daily and can't seem to paint any more but won't marry her because he's married to his art.

Perhaps the gal in the trailer park with Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Virgo loves a biker who does speed. He's always on the road with his motorcycle gang and only visits her in the middle of the night when the rest of the gang has passed out and he's wanting a little loving. Then, for contrast, there's the socialite with Venus in Capricorn square Neptune in Libra whose 40-year-old lover works 70 hours a week and drinks himself insensible to unwind. He's out of town on a business trip and forgets her birthday, and he won't commit until he makes his first million. Then he finally makes the million, but devastates Ms. Venus-Neptune square when he ups and marries a 23-year-old trophy wife instead.

As you can see, the details are very, very different. The sign and house of Venus have everything do with who plucks at our heartstrings--why the one with Venus in Capricorn goes for up-and-coming executives, while the one with Venus in Sag can't resist biker after biker. Yet, how different is the bottom line? All three of these individuals with Venus-Neptune squares wind up repeatedly getting involved with men who can't commit, who have an addiction or two, and who aren't there in vital ways that leave the woman feeling drained, used, and unloved. As crucial as the details admittedly are to the individual, the pattern is what is instructive. The patterns I've discerned over the years give me an idea of what may be going on with the next Venus-Neptune man or woman who calls in anguish about that elusive current lover.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

AMV - Your Horoscope For Today (Weird Al)

Love Hina set to the song "Your Horroscope for Today" by Weird Al Yankovic I DID NOT MAKE THIS I TAKE NO CREDIT...except for showing it

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cancer 1/26/09 Horoscope brings you your weekly horoscope. Subscribe to always get your astrological forecast.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign Gemini

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The third sign in the zodiac is Gemini. Those born between the dates of May 21st and June 21st have Gemini as their sun sign. The symbol of this group is the Twins due to the tendency of the people under this sign to have moods that change quickly and dramatically- often with little warning. The ruling planet of this sign is Mercury.

The Gemini loves variety and action as these things mirror what is going on within them. They have a diverse field of interests but they may be a jack of all trades and master of none. They tend to spread themselves too thin and fail to live up to their initial obligations.

Curiosity is what drives them forward and there is a strong desire to get in as many experiences as they can during their time on the planet. It is hard for them to tie themselves down to any one thing be it a job, hobby or relationship. They are very afraid of missing out on something. In academics, their curiosity spreads across a variety of topics and- while they may excel at collecting bits of information, they might not always have the full picture in mind.

Geminis are born communicators. Their minds are fast and light up when ideas are presented to them. This makes them excellent orators and writers. Extremely aware of what is happening around them, they want to be a participant in that action. If you find yourself put up against a Gemini in debate, you might as well concede defeat. These people have the ability to talk their way out of- and into- any imaginable situation. They are aware of their mental prowess and think nothing of using it against those of slower intellect in a mischievous fashion.

Totally extroverted, the Gemini thrives on having people around them. They may even be afraid of being alone. Their outgoing nature and wit will draw in a wide social group of people that will accompany the Gemini on their varying hobbies and interests. A conservative or indecisive person will turn this type of person off. They don't spend much time looking inwards (or looking back) and often don't know what their own motivations or those of others are. Shallowness and superficiality can punctuate their relationships.

Geminis may have trouble maintaining a long term romantic relationship due to their ever changing nature. They aren't much for mundane acts for the sake of them and dramatic scenes. Freedom tends to call this person even when they are in love but they can ignore the call. The Gemini is known for their altering moods. They can go from being tender and delicate to a dark mood with little warning. They are not above deceptions but try to treat people fairly for the most part. Being questioned by another will turn their blood cold but they will happily grill another person for hours with questions. It comes with the territory of being insanely curious but not very self aware.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Capricorn Compatibility - Zodiac Love Matches For Romance

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There are some individuals who believe wholeheartedly in horoscopes, birth signs, person's birth month and other astrological fundamentals when they are looking for a partner. Yes, you will be surprised of the number of analogies that is made all the time, especially when they are trying to get more from a person than "just friends". The sole purpose of this article is highlighting some aspects which will enable people to learn how to attract a Capricorn friend.

It is believed that each sign has their likes, dislikes, compatibilities and sexual prowess, which will only produce good results if paired with specific signs. Here are some of the attributes which will attract a Capricorn.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is said to be disciplined, therefore if you like to do things on impulse this would not be appreciated by these people. They are more realistic and definitely don't like dreamers or spontaneous types.

They are very intelligent and like to be stimulated at all times, so be prepared to be knowledgeable on a wide subject area if you want to score some points. This means that if you can hold a serious conversation on politics, theatre, music, art or just about any topic, you will definitely be noticed by a Capricorn. But, try to stay clear of far-reaching opinions as they are traditional and conventional and have no tolerance level for certain views.

A person who is always on time will score some ground with a person born under this sign. One of the biggest reasons for this is that they are awfully cognizant of money, so they don't like time wasters.

Even though Capricorns are somewhat serious or can be plain boring at times, they love an amusement and someone with a sense humor. They could surprise you with their witty personality and turned out to be very funny if needs be.

If you are not strong on ambitions and not supportive of others, then stay from the man that is born under this sign. They have strong desires for money, authority, social status and success, so they will not appreciate anyone badgering them about being careful with money or spending long hours at work.

If you promise do something or go somewhere with someone who rules under this sign, it would be a bad idea to not to follow through with your plans. They totally detest this kind of behavior and don't like apologies.

When you are purchasing gifts, try to make it practical as they appreciate things of high-quality, but also something of excellent value. Something that would fit into this category would be a book on money, business ventures, history or any material that can teach them something. Something that would not suit them includes expensive colognes or jewelry, as they are not into splurging on things that are considered unnecessary.

There are no guarantees in life, but if you follow these simple suggestions you should learn how to attract a Capricorn. If you are faithful, ambitious, supportive and intelligent you will find a life partner that you can trust.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cancer - Wednesday - 12/23/09 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pisces - Thursday - 01/14/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Astrology: Horoscope for 10th October 2009

Predictions for today from Acharya Indu Prakash provides horoscope for Saturday, 10th October 2009. Stay tuned here for daily predictions and outlook on your business, financial, health and love life.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Capricorn - Monday - 01/11/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Friday, April 16, 2010

Leo - Wednesday - 8/26/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your daily video horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer, Christopher Witecki, and live love be!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Valentine's Day Special - Love Horoscopes For the Year 2010

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You will get plenty of success in your married life and romance. Arians may probably fall in love at first sight as the valentine stars are at their best this year. If you expect a long lasting relationship with an Aries person it will depend upon how full filling his love life is. Don't get too impulsive to cross your limits while buying gifts and presents for your sweetheart. There is also a possibility of someone unexpectedly coming in your life.


You as a Taurus is one of the lovely romantic person about whom everyone around dreams to be engaged with. Travelling and eating out is one area where you will always be ready to spend more than your limit on this valentine. You love your home very passionately and make sure it's comfortable for the people you love around. Astrological calculations say that marriage / relationships will give you a testing time, but not always. So plan a trip and take your spouse for a second Honeymoon just for a change


You are one of the valentines special as the love stars are backing you. Your best ability is that, once you set your eyes on someone its not at all difficult to win a place in his/her heart. Positive attitudes in personal relationships bring back the love and understanding you may have lost for a while. As a parent and guardian you strive to do well as you don't have any generation gap problem with your kids and other senior members of the family.


This year love is in the air and your valentine will be the happiest this season. On the love aspect you are extremely well caring and focused on making your partner be satisfied from you. As a parent you sometimes become over protective and over caring. By remaining faithful to yourself, or the views of others, you will soon achieve your emotional targets.


When Leo's fall in love they are over and out, and this is bound to happen this valentine's day so be careful. If love is not returned for love then they tend to hurt their partner and it sometimes takes a long time healing the broken heart. As you have been gifted so abundantly by life, it's important for you to appreciate and love yourself so you have a loving attitude As you start surrendering and become more trusting the right person will walk into your life. Take your spouse on a long drive this Valentine's Day.


Your Valentine stars are in your favour so you definitely make very good lovers and once you have made a commitment you tend to stick to it always. You have to change your habit of being over protecting your loved ones as it can prove to be unlucky for your relationship. As a parent you need to encourage your children and help them in their activities. For a change take your family for an adventure holiday and you will meet some unexpected friends there.


You as a Libra are genuine romantic and benevolent givers when in true love, this valentine day will be the happiest day ever. Besides a normal relation with your spouse or love, you are likely to involve with someone else. Because of such involvement, if you ignore to perform well, there could be embarrassing movements. You shower your dear ones with precious gifts and spend. As a parent you tend to give up for demands of your children, this will actually spoil them


A Scorpio is over possessive and extremely over protective and jealous when in love and romance so be alert this Valentine day. Your love continues to grow intense and intimate. A good spouse or lover is the role you choose to play honestly passionately and romantically. A long drive will be beneficial to sort out any confusion with your partner.


Sagittarius people are very passionate and it consumes a lot of efforts to keep up with them as a lover. You will hold a celebration, start a romance or set your lifestyle on a more congenial track. There will be gifts, social occasions and romantic activity. As a parent you are very caring as you give time and attention to your kids which in return shower happiness on you.


Be ready for a surprise this valentine's day. Not considering how much you love your partner you are not very generous with gifts and are practical when it comes to money. But when you are in love it will be for forever. You will have to learn to be more responsive towards your partner and love. Any happy event in your life will bring in it a positive revival or significant change. As a parent show love and affection towards your children if you want to win their little hearts and will make them love you even more.


Extremely magnetic the opposite partner is appreciating your unique and straight forward style. This valentine singles will find romantic opportunities. You need to be more open and let your true emotions be seen. Do not try to keep secrets deep in your heart, just share them with someone you trust, this will relax your mind. As a parent you need to spend more time with your children


Love stars are in your favour this year so be ready for romantic surprises. You are a very loving and caring partner, eager to shower love as well as receive it. If looking for a new relationship you will get the best. Marital life would be interesting though at times tempers will fly egos clash making matters a bit difficult but you will overcome that. You try to do everything to encourage your children to excel in life and become a good human being.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gemini - Friday - 7/17/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your daily video horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer, Christopher Witecki, and live love be!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Moon Goddess's Candle Moon

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The party is about over! Get ready to say goodbye, adieu, farewell, bonsoir, adios, ciao to the astrological year that began last year on March 21, 2009.

The farewell festivity begins with The Moon Goddess's Candle Moon phase with its New Moon on February 13, 2010. You will not see the Candle Moon at this time though, as it is the Moon Goddess's dark moon time. She is off on her monthly trek around Mother Earth. At 6:52 PM PST, 9:52 EST the Moon Goddess positions herself directly between Mother Earth and the Sun God, receiving illumination from the Sun God's sun rays. If you tune in at this time, you could consciously feel a gravitational pull on your emotions. The more you tune in, connect, you can surf your emotions right into the magical realm of your intuition.

As the New Moon falls within the time of Aquarius, you will want to use your scientific reasoning to begin pondering just how you will bring the year to a close with love.

Moon Goddess Seven-Day Captivating Full Moon Guidance

A natural access to your intuition is the assurance of the Moon Goddess if each month you embrace her seven-day captivating full moon guidance.

February 25 - Prepare Your Physical Body - Self Discipline

Three days before any of the Moon Goddess's Full Moon's is the time to prepare your physical body to receive the magical moonbeam rays on the full moon. That means concentrating on the quality/virtue of self discipline for a few moments, and have fun becoming more disciplined with your body today.

Do not ask anyone what you should do today to be more disciplined, as the virtue/quality begins with self as in self-discipline. This is the one day of the month you give your body as much of your attention as possible. You want your body strong and in control so it can receive without resistance the full moon energy which is coming just three days from now.

February 26 -Prime Your Emotions- Beauty

Two days before the full moon arrives, you want to prepare your emotions by infusing them with beauty. Always start with your body; it is your own distinctive art piece. Dress yourself in such a way that says, I love you, you are beautiful. Then shine a light on your inner beauty, on those qualities that you use to express your love in a myriad of ways.

February 27 - Make Ready Your Mind - Inspiration

Today, the day before the Candle Full Moon is a time to prepare your mind to receive the Moon Goddess's Full Moon energies. You do that by using your mind to inspire yourself, to come up with a plan to implement the intuitive impressions that you receive on the Full Moon.

February 28 - Moon Goddess's Candle Full Moon - 8:38 AM PST

Although it is true we will receive the full impact of the Full Moon energies at the exact time of 8:38 AM PST, the veil pulls back ever so slightly between the dimensions of life/death for a full twenty four period. That is twelve hours before starting at 8:38 PM on the 27th, lasting until 8:38 PM on the 28th.

If you are receptive, you could receive impressions from those that have gone on before you that are now in other dimensions. The most prized transmission however is from your higher self, that conscious part of you that is fully awake, directing your every move in this dimension.

The Candle Full Moon is occurring during Pisces, a time of endings with love.

March 1 - Incorporate with Your Mind - Clarity

On the day after the full moon, is a day to engage your mind now, clarify the transmissions you received, no matter how fleeting. If you are a beginner or did not prepare well to fully receive the energies, then look at any areas of your life where you feel finished, full, ready to go on to the next ledge of your mountain of life. Make a responsible plan for ending what you have outgrown, but with love.

March 2 - Integrate with Your Emotions - Acceptance

Acceptance is your mantra today, to accept yourself, where you are on your journey with all the parts of you that are magical as well as the parts that are still left to balance. A new year will soon be here, more opportunities.

Then turn your attention toward the meaningful people in your life that shared parts of your journey during the last astrological year that began last March 21, 2009. Probably not everyone will be going forward with you when the new year begins, so thank them now for the part they played in your life last year so you could learn, could grow.

March 3 - Assimilate with your Physical Body - Action

On the last of the seven-day Candle full moon period, start implementing what you received until the next New Moon. The Moon Goddess's moonbeams are beginning to wane, and the candles' flickers will soon be no more. It is time to let your light sparkle, become brighter. Shine your spotlight on the soul qualities that you developed during the past year, as that is your reward for all those heart wrenching experiences that you might have gone through.

Imitate the gold miners, sifting through all the dirt, the sand, to find the golden nuggets hidden underneath. Your gold nuggets are qualities, like courage, caring, patience, humility. These qualities are the real gold of life and are rightfully yours. Consciously claim them as you will be taking them with you as a New Year begins on March 21, 2010.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Aqurius - Monday - 7/27/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your daily video horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer, Christopher Witecki, and live love be!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sagittarius - Wednesday - 02/10/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Use a Love Horoscope to Find Your Ideal Match!

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Is this person really right for me? Are we compatible? The age-old questions that enter everyone's' mind (sooner or later), that can never be answered with a simple yes or no.

Love is a complex issue with a multitude of variables. However a complete love horoscope can provide tremendous insight into these variables, and give you the answers needed to determine if a particular person is likely to be right for you.

In addition to the more commonly known personality traits associated with each sign of the zodiac, astrologers also look at the 4 basic elements which correspond to these signs. These essential elements are Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

Water is associated with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Air is associated with Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. Fire is associated with Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. And Earth is associated with Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.

The general results of all this mixing and matching will tell you which people will match up the best. Here are some samples:

Pisces people match with Scorpio, Cancer or Taurus'

Capricorn matches best with Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo.

Sagittarius matches best with Aquarius, Aries and Libra.

Scorpio matches best with Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces.

Libra matches best with Aquarius, another Libra, Leo and Gemini.

Virgo matches best with Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn.

Leo goes best with Sagittarius, Leo, Aries and Gemini.

Cancers match with Pisces, Virgo or other Cancers

Taurus goes best with another Taurus, Capricorn and Cancer.

Aries people match with Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries or Leos

If you're like most people, this can all get pretty confusing. The good thing is that you don't have to know any of it! Just give the astrologer your date, time and place of birth -- they'll handle the rest. The information you get in return should tell you your ideal match.

In the meantime, you can get a general idea of your ideal match by just using a little common sense. For example, fire and air go well together. You can't get a fire to burn without air! So the Fire group (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) will go well with members of the Air group (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius).

Earth and water go together well. Nothing will grow in the earth without water. Therefore, those in the Earth group (Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus) will click with members of the Water group (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio). And so on.

But when all is said and done, keep in mind that there are always exceptions to the rule. We've all known people who lived their entire lives together while everybody around them wondered how they did it! Even though the love horoscope can give you a ton of interesting information, remember that it's only a tool. It doesn't guarantee you a successful relationship.

Still, your most likely ideal match will be a lot easier to find if you get a precise love horoscope from a good astrologer. It can be a lot of fun!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Leo - Friday - 03/05/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Cancer - Wednesday - 12/30/09 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tarot v/s Astrology By Munisha Khatwani

Here Munisha throws light on the difference between Tarot and Astrology. What is the difference between Tarot Cards and Horoscopes (Kundali/ Janampatri)? Tarot predictions are on the basis of cards and work simply through energy. And Horoscopes are based on date of birth, time of birth, place of birth and gender. Visit to watch more of Tarot Card Reading.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Taurus (September 28 - October 4 , 2009): Tarot Forecast By Munisha Khatwani

People born between April 19 to May 19fall under this star sign. Take advantage of opportunities in love, money and more this June with a 7-Day Forecast. Munisha has geared herself up to update you with all that are in store for you in this video. What does your Angel Card say? Is this going to be a special week for you? Will your love meter be high or low??? Watch this video now!!! Visit to watch more of Tarot Card Reading.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Zodiac Weather - Tuesday -11/17/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

All 12 Zodiac Races, their emotional moods, and the planet positions presented in just 3 minutes by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live love be*

Gemini - Friday - 11/20/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sagittarius - Monday - 10/26/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Aquarius Horoscope for November 2009 - Diana Garland

Aquarius Horoscope for 11/09. Other signs for this month: Need toknow what a Rising Sign is? See here: For more information on Diana Garland, or for your free monthly Sun sign forecast, please visit Disclaimer All information is provided for entertainment purposes only. It's ever such a foolish law.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sagittarius - Tuesday - 02/09/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Libra - Wednesday - 01/13/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pisces - Thursday - 03/04/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Taurus - Monday - 02/15/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Friday, April 2, 2010

Gemini - Tuesday - 03/09/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Aries - Friday - 12/4/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be*

Thursday, April 1, 2010

July 2008 Monthly Horoscopes and Astrology Forecast

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Aries Horoscope:
This month is the month for gaining social strength. You will have a happy time on the personal front. You will win hearts of all your loved ones by showing them love and affection. You will fulfill all the needs of your parents and elders. With spouse or love, a great time is indicated by Ganesha as you will get to express your deep feelings, which will bring closeness and intensity in your life. On the career front you will get all the success.

Taurus Horoscope:
This month is very good as far as monetary gains are concerned. You might clear all the debts, if any. At work Ganesha foresees you getting more experienced and clearing all the differences of opinions to work in collaboration with colleagues. So office milieu will be great and new creative ideas will make your month. You may also concentrate on your love life. You may go on an outing to a romantic place and also sometimes visit a relative's place.

Gemini Horoscope:
This month is half a way good and half a way bad. But continue working hard. With success do not fly high in this month as someone may be jealous and may create obstacles in your way. Your self-centered behavior may lead to heated arguments so if you want to progress be down to earth, kind and caring. You will have unexpected gains and if you are adequatley alert while working then success definitely is yours, assures Ganesha.

Cancer Horoscope:
This month seems quite satisfactory. You will take out time for yourself and may become more insightful and emotions will fly high. This is on the positive side as you will become more understanding and caring and will make your close ones very happy by expressing your feelings , Ganesha. On the career side you will be full of life and this will reflect in work. Your communication skills will come into light which will bring you gains.

Leo Horoscope:
This month you will engage yourself in social activities. This has been in your mind since a long time but this month you will do some charity by money and by physically helping the needy. Expenses are likely to increase as your loved one may become ill and need hospital care. But, you will do all this without losing heart and during this horrible phase you will get internal power from Lord Ganesha. You will become kind and may go out of way to help the needy.

Virgo Horoscope:
This month will be very pleasing, as you will achieve victory, fame, respect and appreciation by all. Both professional and personal life will be joyful. Strong bond will be developed with loved ones and with friends and the office staff. You will have a good money inflow and you will spend lavishly for your comfort. However, do not lend money to your colleagues. You will share your dreams with your beloved and will have a great time.

Libra Horoscope:
This month success and victory are all yours but for that you will have to put much more effort in your work. You are very dedicated and will do everything with vigor. Foreign contacts are going to help you. There are chances for you to go abroad for expansion or advertising of your product. Monetary gains are good, says Ganesha. On thge personal front you would take out time for everybody- your friends, family and lover and thus your relations will get stronger.

Scorpio Horoscope:
This month you will have to run around for earning money and fulfilling needs of family. Expenses are likely to rise and you have to become economical. Nevertheless, you will try your best to deal with needs of your loved ones. You are very generous by nature and may go out of your way to help your close ones. You will be full of life and make a proper schedule for journey. At the end of the month you will have gains and will maintain a proper balance, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius Horoscope:
This month you will experience mood swings. You will feel deprived of energy. Do not let clouds of negativity surround you and try not to let your past surpass your present. Heated and lengthy arguments will make you weak. Have faith in God and yourself, as you are very good in decision-making. You have a very perceptive or sharp mind and may take proper decisions for your career and personal life. Ganesha advises you to chant mantra or do meditation.

Capricorn Horoscope:
This month may be satisfactory and fun-giving. However, you will have to contend with many upheavals in this month so you have to be watchful and conscious about all matters. On the career side, do not trust anybody blindly as your rivals may backstab you. Your innovative ideas and skills will come into limelight and would be a cause for your progress. If your junior or a person younger than you gives you ideas don't ignore as they can be right. Avoid taking risks and hasty decisions suggests Ganesha.

Aquarius Horoscope:
This month you will observe many changes in your personal as well as professional life. Your daily schedule of exercise or eating habits may change for better. You may see a different milieu at office. Change in the staff is also possible. Your associates will be much friendly and will help you gain. You will gain moneywise as well as respectwise. Speculation is not advisable by Ganesha this month. Play safely and on the family front you will have a nice time.

Pisces Horoscope:
This month you will have victory by your side. You have to use your brain and your innovative and imaginative ideas will come to the fore. . You will have to skillfully use these ideas in your work and success will be yours. Those who are in any of the creative fields will get greater benefits, assures Ganesha. Love life will rock. Longtime disputes will end but do not take your beloved for granted. You will also get involved in religious activities for peace of mind.

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