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It may be impossible to generalize greatly about human nature, human behavior and human beings in fact. But there are strong indications that a twelve-fold division exists in the type of love emotion that is inherent in individuals of the same zodiacal Sun Sign or birth sign.
Born 'under a particular star' or sharing the same sign with others enhances the sense that we are following a 'normal' attitude or pattern shared by about one twelfth of the world population. There can be some comfort in this. Love is a specially important emotion and some believe it to be the most powerful force in the universe. Divine Love is a concept beyond analysis. But what of human love? Could it be that there are possibly twelve types of love that correspond with the twelve types of people?
What do you think, after considering the following information about the love tendencies of the twelve astrological types, and your own, in particular.
Aries - passionate, enthusiastic, spontaneous, outgoing, self willed - positive, passionate and possibly self serving in expression of affection. Courageous in defense of loved ones.
Taurus - possessive, love linked to possession - of material things and also in stable relationships. Lover of the beautiful. Powerful and stubborn in attitudes.
Gemini - loves movement and variety, particular inclined to mental attraction, finds stimulus in communicated shared interests. Quick wit with easy communication of emotions and thoughts.
Cancer - protective, caring lover, needs to be needed but tends to be shy and over sensitive to slights or hurts, emotions insecure, shy, but a strong resource of feelings for others.
Leo - magnanimous, generous, dignified attitude, commanding, loyal, with abundant warm and loving emotional expression. Tends to be proud and focused upon giving rather than receiving.
Virgo - demanding, exacting, practical expression of affection by action and industry. A perfectionist in love-finds it difficult to overlook imperfections in others.
Libra - romantic, idealistic in love, needs fairness, sharing and refinement of emotions to satisfy a fundamental need for beauty and harmony where loving expression is considered as an art. Indecision is inclined to spoil relationships.
Scorpio - an intensity of sexual interest is always inherent in this type of love that can be destructively jealous and sensuous or highly spiritually focused. A strong creative energy on every level needs strong self discipline in avoiding emotional pitfalls.
Sagittarius - genial, idealistic nature loving temperament with enthusiasm and spontaneity being keynotes of affection. High principles together with fun loving nature seeks the deeper soul mate for enduring friendship.
Capricorn - steady, reliable in faithful loving relationships. Ever helpful and earnest, and persevering with ambitions. Thought too serious and often misunderstood. Needs a lightness to balance serious emotional expression.
Aquarius - impersonal, unemotional, with strong sense of independence that allows wide scope in relationships of different kinds, often platonic. Philanthropy is strong. Love for humanity in general is sometimes easier than understanding personal needs in relationships.
Pisces - sympathetic, and self sacrificial in loving often with poetic or devotional slant or attitude. Interest in the psychic, mystical side of life can include towards a very impractical, deeply sensitive personality.
It is common that we make partnership with another who is of an entirely different nature and holds opposing attitudes, one born in the next-door sign or in the sign opposite us in the horoscope. Many marriages have this combination - with say an Aries married to a Taurus, or a Sagittarius married to a Capricorn, often with enduring partnership. Not only do opposites seem to attract but we learn by our partner's nature to expand our own.
The ancient wisdom teachings indicate that each soul has to develop all the different expressions of love to be capable of understanding Universal Love and so we are born under a different sign in each successive life.