Thursday, May 27, 2010

Astrology's Taurus and Numerology - Modifiers For Your Horoscope

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If your birth date falls in the range of April 20th through May 20th, you were born under the sun sign of Taurus the Bull. You probably know your Horoscope, but did you know that Numerology shows us a particular behavior for Taurus based on your specific Date of Birth? We can find out this modifier by calculating your Birth Day number.

Birth Day Calculation

Your Birthday number is the date of the month you were born on, reduced to a single digit by fadic addition. For example, actress Michelle Pfeiffer was born on April 29th 1958, so her Birthday number is (2) as shown below.

Birthday = (Day part of your birth date) = (29) = (2 + 9) = (11) = (2)

The Birth Day number values, and their affects on your Taurus Horoscope are shown below.

Birth Day (1) - Serene

You are calm and serene with a good control of your fiery temper. But, when you do get angry woe betide the one who made you so.

Birth Day (2) - Cautious

You are cautious and careful in your daily life. You are as dependable as the earth you are grounded in. You never forget a promise or an obligation.

Birth Day (3) - Patience

You have the patience of a stone. An inner calm and peace radiate from you. You are willing to wait forever to get what you're waiting for.

Birth Day (4) - Resourceful

You are very resourceful when trouble strikes. You never become flustered when things go wrong. You have the presence of mind to act quickly and recover when the situation demands it.

Birth Day (5) - Placid

You are as placid as the quiet waters of a lagoon. You never worry about things you can't control.

Birth Day (6) - Insensitive

You tend to not be aware of the feelings of other people around you. Many will interpret this as being cold and callow on your part.

Birth Day (7) - Over Thinking

You usually over think your problems before you act. Don't wait so long to choose your course. Your first instinct is usually the right choice anyway.

Birth Day (8) - Stormy

When you do get angry, the storm of your actions tends to rain down on everyone around you. Don't be surprised when people distance themselves when your temper boils over; even if it's not aimed at them.

Birth Day (9) - Self Indulgent

You tend to have little control over your appetites and desires. Be careful, this will have bad affects on your self worth. Work at gaining some self control.

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