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Astrological Update:
Mars moves into Gemini for the next couple of months, challenging us to learn how to stay focused and in the present moment. One of the ways to stay in the present is to first notice when you're not! Take note of how often your mind is pulled into the past (regret, anger, resentment) or pulled into the future (anxiety, fear and anticipation.) By acknowledging and gently releasing past and future thoughts, your focus will return to what's happening in present-moment awareness.
Saturn in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius 8/1-13 gives you the opportunity to become aware of what has been repressed so you can bring it into the light of consciousness. As we bring light to our shadow, both individually and collectively, we can use the energy that has been used for suppression in more positive ways.
Mercury in Leo 8/4-19, emphasizes using the imaginative and playful aspects of the mind to create your own reality. By using the power of imagination and play we free the mind to generate new possibilities that far exceed the dualistic "this or that" mentality of the concrete mind.
To stay focused when Mars is in Gemini 8/6-9/28, try making lists of what you have to do so that you can keep focused on your immediate priorities. Cleaning up mis-communications or getting caught up on back correspondence or writing done is a perfect use of this transit.
With the new moon at 19º Leo on 8/12 (4:03 p.m.), it's time to celebrate your inner child. The inner child is the source of your creativity, spontaneity and enthusiasm. Bring a sense of play into your life by being willing to let go of seriousness and self-consciousness.
Use Mercury's journey through Virgo 8/19-9/5 to focus on the details of your life that have not been attended to recently. Even though you may not be aware of it, your energy is continually drained by incomplete actions. Let Mercury help you clean up your energy drains so you can be focused on your highest priorities.
Mars in Gemini opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius 8/21-25 is like the warrior going on a crusade in support of a lofty vision. Since Mars is in an air sign, representing intellectual dissemination, this is the perfect time to work on projects that speak to and communicate your highest ideals.
It's time to "harvest" our creativity as the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo on 8/23 at 5:08 a.m. Our job during the sign of Virgo is to utilize the discriminative faculties of the mind to improve and perfect our innate gifts so they are ready to share with others.
The full moon at 4 degrees Pisces 8/28 at 3:35 a.m. helps you surrender any sense of separation to experience the bliss of unity consciousness. Use the full moon to nurture yourself spiritually through contemplation, meditation, flowing movement and music.
Monthly Horoscope:
For Sun, Moon and Rising Signs
Aries 3/21-4/20
This is not the time to try and use strong will to make things happen. This will only lead to obstruction and frustration. Letting go of any attachment to specific outcomes will make things flow more smoothly.
Taurus 4/21-5/21
Your biggest challenge now is to get clear on what you want. Perhaps you need a break to check-in and discover exactly what that is. Take some time off and immerse yourself in what nurtures you spiritually.
Gemini 5/22-6/20
New ideas and perceptions are flooding your mind. It may be overwhelming as your mind wants to grasp the big picture and all the details, too. Try writing down this info each night to objectify your insights.
Cancer 6/21-7/20
Communication of your deepest feelings is very important right now. There may be a longing for connection with something greater than yourself. Offer it up to higher source and the connection is yours.
Leo 7/21-8/22
This is the time of the year for you to really shine! Follow the urge to expand through expressing and manifesting your creativity. There is great creative power available to you if you're willing to step into it.
Virgo 8/23-9/22
Feeling a little impatient with the speed of others? Your mind is highly energized so you need to be around people that can keep up with you. Stimulating conversations are the perfect outlet for this energy.
Libra 9/23-10/22
You may have to process some lingering disappointment or heartbreak right now. Perhaps you've experienced a loss that's hard to let go of. On a spiritual level, though, letting go will bring peace.
Scorpio 10/22-11/21
Learning the right use of power is the task at hand. Tremendous power is available to you to accomplish your career and financial goals. Check to see if this power is being used to lead rather than dominate.
Sagittarius 11/ 22-12/20
You have an ability now to combine practicality with idealism. Use your insight to communicate the vision and the "how-to." Realistic types will appreciate you for being able to speak their language.
Capricorn 12/21-1/20
Always the responsible one, you're learning how to work smarter and not harder. Accomplishment will be easier if you give up doing it all yourself. The universe will support you if you allow it too.
Aquarius 1/ 21-2/18
Are you feeling anxious or restless right now? If so, what's needed is to get out and move your body. Energy follows breath so if you want to balance your nervous system try running, yoga or breath work...
Pisces 2/19-3/20
It's a great time to practice the law of intention. What this means is that whatever you visualize clearly in your mind's eye you can create. Try it out with small objects you desire. Get clear and see what happens!
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