Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope For June 2010

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Right at the end of May Saturn, your ruler, came to a standstill. It's now slowly, slowly moving forward. So after a prolonged period of indecision, you're now ready to make up your mind.

However you're able to be secretive. Your mind is ticking away, making decisions about your environment, and no-one will have a clue what's going on. And when the time for action arrives, you can catch everyone by surprise.

On a different note, the beginning of June sees an opposition aspect between Mars and Neptune, which falls across the main axis of your solar chart. As a result of this aspect, your contacts with other people could have a rather unusual flavour, and there might be strange and dangerous associations.

So if you meet someone interesting, don't let your curiosity lead your astray. Especially if money or love is on offer.

On June 6 Jupiter moves into Aries, where it stays for the next few months. You'll find it increasingly easy to express yourself, in terms of both writing and speech, and through the power of your words you can boost your status. Also, you might spend a lot of time travelling. Not to the other side of the world, but in your immediate locality. There are people to see, in terms of both business and pleasure, and in most cases it'll be you that has to do the visiting.

Looking at your love life, and the month has a shaky start, but from June 10 onwards the situation starts to improve. You'll develop a spontaneous sense of fun, and if you meet someone new, then you can impress them very quickly. The right joke, told at the right time, can make a big difference.

On June 14 Venus enters Leo, your opposite sign. Venus is the planet of love, and during the last half of the month there'll be some interesting offers. Though don't spend too long analysing the situation. Follow your heart, and consider the possibility that you haven't got all the answers.

From June 23 through to June 25 Mercury makes a stressful aspect to Saturn. There could be annoying little details to deal with, that could drive you round the bend. However don't use a sledgehammer to crack a peanut - if you're patient the situation will resolve itself.

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