Saturday, May 29, 2010

Twelve Views On Love - Twelve Types Of People

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It may be impossible to generalize greatly about human nature, human behavior and human beings in fact. But there are strong indications that a twelve-fold division exists in the type of love emotion that is inherent in individuals of the same zodiacal Sun Sign or birth sign.

Born 'under a particular star' or sharing the same sign with others enhances the sense that we are following a 'normal' attitude or pattern shared by about one twelfth of the world population. There can be some comfort in this. Love is a specially important emotion and some believe it to be the most powerful force in the universe. Divine Love is a concept beyond analysis. But what of human love? Could it be that there are possibly twelve types of love that correspond with the twelve types of people?

What do you think, after considering the following information about the love tendencies of the twelve astrological types, and your own, in particular.

Aries - passionate, enthusiastic, spontaneous, outgoing, self willed - positive, passionate and possibly self serving in expression of affection. Courageous in defense of loved ones.

Taurus - possessive, love linked to possession - of material things and also in stable relationships. Lover of the beautiful. Powerful and stubborn in attitudes.

Gemini - loves movement and variety, particular inclined to mental attraction, finds stimulus in communicated shared interests. Quick wit with easy communication of emotions and thoughts.

Cancer - protective, caring lover, needs to be needed but tends to be shy and over sensitive to slights or hurts, emotions insecure, shy, but a strong resource of feelings for others.

Leo - magnanimous, generous, dignified attitude, commanding, loyal, with abundant warm and loving emotional expression. Tends to be proud and focused upon giving rather than receiving.

Virgo - demanding, exacting, practical expression of affection by action and industry. A perfectionist in love-finds it difficult to overlook imperfections in others.

Libra - romantic, idealistic in love, needs fairness, sharing and refinement of emotions to satisfy a fundamental need for beauty and harmony where loving expression is considered as an art. Indecision is inclined to spoil relationships.

Scorpio - an intensity of sexual interest is always inherent in this type of love that can be destructively jealous and sensuous or highly spiritually focused. A strong creative energy on every level needs strong self discipline in avoiding emotional pitfalls.

Sagittarius - genial, idealistic nature loving temperament with enthusiasm and spontaneity being keynotes of affection. High principles together with fun loving nature seeks the deeper soul mate for enduring friendship.

Capricorn - steady, reliable in faithful loving relationships. Ever helpful and earnest, and persevering with ambitions. Thought too serious and often misunderstood. Needs a lightness to balance serious emotional expression.

Aquarius - impersonal, unemotional, with strong sense of independence that allows wide scope in relationships of different kinds, often platonic. Philanthropy is strong. Love for humanity in general is sometimes easier than understanding personal needs in relationships.

Pisces - sympathetic, and self sacrificial in loving often with poetic or devotional slant or attitude. Interest in the psychic, mystical side of life can include towards a very impractical, deeply sensitive personality.

It is common that we make partnership with another who is of an entirely different nature and holds opposing attitudes, one born in the next-door sign or in the sign opposite us in the horoscope. Many marriages have this combination - with say an Aries married to a Taurus, or a Sagittarius married to a Capricorn, often with enduring partnership. Not only do opposites seem to attract but we learn by our partner's nature to expand our own.
The ancient wisdom teachings indicate that each soul has to develop all the different expressions of love to be capable of understanding Universal Love and so we are born under a different sign in each successive life.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Astrology's Taurus and Numerology - Modifiers For Your Horoscope

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If your birth date falls in the range of April 20th through May 20th, you were born under the sun sign of Taurus the Bull. You probably know your Horoscope, but did you know that Numerology shows us a particular behavior for Taurus based on your specific Date of Birth? We can find out this modifier by calculating your Birth Day number.

Birth Day Calculation

Your Birthday number is the date of the month you were born on, reduced to a single digit by fadic addition. For example, actress Michelle Pfeiffer was born on April 29th 1958, so her Birthday number is (2) as shown below.

Birthday = (Day part of your birth date) = (29) = (2 + 9) = (11) = (2)

The Birth Day number values, and their affects on your Taurus Horoscope are shown below.

Birth Day (1) - Serene

You are calm and serene with a good control of your fiery temper. But, when you do get angry woe betide the one who made you so.

Birth Day (2) - Cautious

You are cautious and careful in your daily life. You are as dependable as the earth you are grounded in. You never forget a promise or an obligation.

Birth Day (3) - Patience

You have the patience of a stone. An inner calm and peace radiate from you. You are willing to wait forever to get what you're waiting for.

Birth Day (4) - Resourceful

You are very resourceful when trouble strikes. You never become flustered when things go wrong. You have the presence of mind to act quickly and recover when the situation demands it.

Birth Day (5) - Placid

You are as placid as the quiet waters of a lagoon. You never worry about things you can't control.

Birth Day (6) - Insensitive

You tend to not be aware of the feelings of other people around you. Many will interpret this as being cold and callow on your part.

Birth Day (7) - Over Thinking

You usually over think your problems before you act. Don't wait so long to choose your course. Your first instinct is usually the right choice anyway.

Birth Day (8) - Stormy

When you do get angry, the storm of your actions tends to rain down on everyone around you. Don't be surprised when people distance themselves when your temper boils over; even if it's not aimed at them.

Birth Day (9) - Self Indulgent

You tend to have little control over your appetites and desires. Be careful, this will have bad affects on your self worth. Work at gaining some self control.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

AstroWeather - Friday - 5/16/2008 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope Forecast presented by Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Your Astrological Sign of the Zodiac

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Astrology is the study and mapping of celestial planetary bodies
on a given date, time and place for the purpose of determining
their influence upon human events. Once the positions of the
Moon, Sun, and the planets has been determined the cosmic forces
emanating from these celestial bodies can be correlated and a
horoscope can then be drawn and interpreted for an individual.

The individual is identified by their astrology birth chart and
their astrological sign of the zodiac constellations. These can
vary according to chinese astrology as compared to vedic astrology
and western astrology, numerology and tarot astrology. In the
eastern astrology the chinese zodiac sign and chinese horoscope
are different from the western and vedic astrology while numerology
and tarot astrology follow their ways.

Once your astrology charts, daily astrology reading and daily
horoscope have been determined you can use them to help you make
decisions about many things. Perhaps most important is your zodiac
compatibility, astrology love signs, astrology compatibility and
zodiac signs compatibility. Love horoscopes and astrology birth
charts are used by many people to determine if somebody they know
is an astrology match.

Aries * The Ram * March 21 - April 20

Taurus * The Bull * April 21 - May 21

Gemini * The Twins * May 22 - June 21

Cancer * The Crab * June 22 - July 22

Leo * The Lion * July 23 - August 21

Virgo * The Virgin * August 22 - September 23

Libra * The Scales * September 24 - October 23

Scorpio * The Scorpion * October 24 - November 22

Sagittarius * The Archer * November 23 - December 22

Capricorn * The Goat * December 23 - January 20

Aquarius * The Water Carrier * January 21 - February 19

Pisces * The Fishes * February 20 - March 20

Monday, May 24, 2010

Leo 2010 Forecast

2010 Horoscope Forecast for Leo by KT, The Astrologer.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

How to Attract Good Fortune

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Dear friend's, welcome, this is my first article l'm writing about luck, titled "How To Attract Good Fortune". Millions of people believe that fate determines their life and that nothing that they can do to change it. They simply accept their circumstances and adjust to them. Attracting good fortune or good luck is also one of the deepest mysteries of life. Actually, there are many ways or methods that we can use to change or at least improve our luck, for example by using the power of positive thoughts, power of subconscious mind, fortune telling or horoscope, using geomancy, mysticism, power of amulets/talismans, or by using prayers/meditation and there are many countless ways!

The Science of Good Luck/Good Fortune:

Luck or Success is simply making the right decision or doing the right thing at the right time, at the right place with the right people. A good karma and fate will direct you to the right place for success. Intelligence & mental efficiency alone is not enough, our success may be hindered by our past karma. Affirmation & visualization technique can strengthen the subconscious mind and in return encourage the conscious mind, but the conscious mind still has to achieve the success and may be hindered by obstacles of the law of cause & effect. But sometimes the good or bad things that we're experiencing are not even because of past karma, this is where the fate comes in. According to the highest truth of life, everyone of us have our own part to play in this world/cosmic drama & our role is fixed. The world drama repeats similarly for every 5000 years. That's why it has been said that it is nobody's fault, everything has been destined, it's all fixed in the drama. For example, even our thought pattern is destined, which determines whether a person will be good/bad person, clever/ stupid etc. In this case, we have to accept the fact positively & adjust our self to it & live accordingly, go with your destiny, don't go against your destiny.
How to attract good fortune using the power of positive thinking:

For majority of people if they change their thought & behaviour they can change their life or luck. This has been proven by a research done by Prof. Richard Wiseman from Britain, who have studied 1000 people who considered themselves either lucky or unlucky for 10 years. And he found that a lot of their luck was the way they were thinking & behaving. The lucky ones were more open to opportunities and new ideas. You can make yourself luckier just by being more optimistic.

A Great Technique For How To Attract Good Fortune:

Here, l would like to share a great technique of how to attract good fortune which l learn from a God realized Guru that can bring you uninterrupted success. Pray or meditate to God always, ask God to direct you to the right place for success and do service always especially spiritual service i.e. giving donations to church, temple, mosque etc. Give at least once a month or more continuously. When giving donations say a small prayer in your heart i.e. (Let this do good for the one who receive it).


I honestly feel that you can create your own circumstances for good luck through applying the various how to attract good fortune techniques. Your good fortune is lying dormant within you & needs awakening. I dedicate this article to your success & happiness!

With best wishes,
Karunagaran Sathamoorthy

P.S. For more info about good luck booster tips, for a free alpha brainwave entertainment audio & for more info about breakthrough luck programme "Professional product reviews: The synchronicity luck programme" go to

Copyright 2010 by Karunagaran Sathamoorthy. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Aquarius - Monthly Astrology Horoscope For August 2008

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Finding your Aquarius Astrological Reading is a great way to get in touch with your life and how other fit into it. Knowing why things happen is a good way for you to improve your life. Many people think that all things happen for a reason and knowing more about your horoscope can explain why.

During this time you are going to have more struggle between your personal and professional life. You are going to have many situations were your work needs are going to take a way form your family and friends. It is important to find the right balance with this so that you can so well at work and also have a good relationship with the ones you care about the most.

The added stress that you will have at work can help you to understand how important your free time is to you. Always make sure that you let the ones around know that they are meaningful in your life and that you tell them how much you care for them.

Also at work you want to be a leader and use the skills that you have to improve the relationship of the workers around you. If projects that you are working on are going to be successful then you need to make sure that everyone around you is on the same page working to accomplish the goal.

Many of your co workers will be looking for your leadership to guide them and teach them so that they can become better people. It is important that you make them feel like they are part of the team and that without them you would not be able to accomplish the projects.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Aquarius - Tuesday - 02/23/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Fortune Cookies and Psychics

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One night, in my early days of broadcasting, the radio station I worked for had a psychic on the air for an hour. My job was to get the callers ready and waiting on hold for their turn to ask the psychic about their future.

At the end of the hour, one young lady never got her turn because time had run out. I told her that the show was over and then curiously asked her what question she had wanted to ask the psychic. She told me that she wanted to be a writer and was hoping to find out if she should pursue that endeavor.

I then spent an half an hour with her on the phone sharing with her about free will. I told her that if her dream was to write, then she ought to pursue it. I told her she didn't need anyone's permission, nor did she need some "fortune teller" deciding for her.

I explained to her that God wanted her life blessed and that He gave her free will to pursue her dreams and goals. I told her to look to God for help and direction. Needless to say, she thanked me and told me she was determined to write.

One of the greatest things that God has given to every person is the freedom to make self-determined free will choices for our own lives. As you read through the Bible you will see that God never violates our free will. He may warn us, but He never oversteps our free will decisions.

God gave us all free will and in His eyes it is a very big deal. That is why, in a number of places in the Scriptures, He is very clear about us not accepting predictions people give out for our lives. Those prognostications many times overstep and violate one's freedom of will.

We ought to our get help and direction from God. But, He will never violate our free will choices. And just like the young lady I talked to many years ago, who wanted to write, the psychic might have told her not to write, thus interfering with her free will to pursue that which she desired.

This topic can indeed be slippery ground for some Christians. There are those who laugh at the message they find in their "fortune cookie." Others may wonder about what they just read on that little piece of paper: is it really true? Am I going to be presented a great opportunity that I should take?

Suppose the next day you are indeed presented with what looks like a great opportunity? You really ought to take it, right? After all, the message in your "fortune cookie" said to go for it, right?

Some find it entertaining to read their horoscope every day, claiming they put no value in it whatsoever. But then why read it? And what happens when something in their horoscope proves to be true? That begins to add a little credibility to those daily predictions.

Prognostications, fortune telling, and soothsaying have been around for a long, long time. They are nothing new. And the Bible does speak very plainly on that subject. The Scriptures do not indicate that it is a form of harmless entertainment. God says to avoid it.

Perhaps God might be a little smarter than we are. Maybe His advice ought to be taken over everyone else's opinions. If He says to avoid something that we see no harm in, then just maybe He knows more about it than we do.

There is an interesting passage in the book Isaiah where God is, for all intent and purposes, mocking those who have looked to the star gazers and prognosticators. He says, in essence, "Go run to them when you need help and see what they will do for you, nothing."

We all have free will to choose who and what we listen to. We can take advice, counsel and direction from palm readers, Tarot cards, psychics, horoscopes and fortune cookies. Or, we can look to God for His help, guidance and direction. He has promised that He would light our path, and, that He would direct our steps.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sagittarius - Friday - 04/30/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pisces - Thursday - 11/06/2008 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Thursday Video Horoscope Forecast presented by "Stand Up Astrologer" Christopher Witecki and live LOVE be!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cancer - Monday - 02/08/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do Match Love Horoscopes Work? Find Out How Horoscopes Can Bring You Love

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Horoscopes are becoming more and more popular as everyone is trying to look into their future to see what it holds. Women particularly love them, especially when it comes to match love horoscopes. These let them know what signs are best for them and exactly what the relationship is going to be like depending upon their signs. It may sound a little silly to the every day man, but it might behove you to gain a little knowledge in this area, especially when you are courting a new love.

Women usually put a little more stock in this type of stuff than men do and that is exactly why you need to learn about it. Nothing mesmerises a woman more than a man who not only listens to her, but who also understands and has knowledge of what they are talking about. How many times have you heard a woman ask you right out when you were born and then shriek because you guys are supposed to be an ideal match? She just knew you were the guy for her when you looked over at her because she could 'feel it'.

Okay, maybe it is a little corny but when you get to fire back that she must be an air sign because you are fire sign or that you are water so she must be because you felt that bond too, do you not think she will be impressed? You can even be wrong on the signs, but she will already be pudding in your hands because you actually knew what the hell she was talking about! Either way, having the right response leads to you having a quality night with a beautiful woman instead of sloshing down beers with the boys again.

Match Love Horoscopes carry a lot of weight with the young ladies and that means that they should also carry a lot of weight with you. You don't have to necessarily know about all of them, but you should know about the ones that are compatible with your type of sign and also which signs are compatible with you. You will be surprised by how many women will be turned off by you because you are simply the wrong sign, but you will be amazed at how many women swoon the moment you tell them you are their ideal match. A little knowledge can lead to a pretty good night!

If you would like to know a whole host of things that attract women besides match love horoscopes then visit my website to get your hands on the free report that taught thousands of men incredible techniques on how to attract beautiful women.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Aquarius - Friday - 02/19/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Friday, May 14, 2010

Love Compatibility Analysis Using Numerology

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Love compatibility analysis using numerology is a great way to stop the endless searching for the PERFECT mate. There are a thousand and one ways and places to meet someone - at work, through the internet, blind dates, friends of friends, dating friends and random meetings in mundane places like grocery stores and elevators. Some of these opportunities could have a much greater success rate if the compatibility factors of a person are understood. You need to know what you are looking for beyond "a nice person" or a "pretty eyes". A love compatibility analysis will help to find your absolute soul mate, identifying ideal qualities and characteristics that match your own.

The Numbers of Numerology

Numerology is the alternative science of utilizing the numeric values associated with your name or birth date or both in order to help define the characteristics of your personality. By calculating your numeric value, you will find some characteristics intrinsically associated with the numerology charts and can in the end best find a love match according to your needs, interests and desires. In order to calculate your numerology numbers, you begin by adding the digits of your birthday until you arrive at a single digit. For example, a March 12th, 1977 birthday translates to 3/12/1977 in numeric form. By adding the 3 to the 1 and then to the 2, you arrive at 6. You then add 6 to 1977 and will arrive at 1983. You then add up the digits of 1983 and you will arrive at 21 and then at 3 once you add the 2 and the 1.

With love compatibility analysis using numerology, a number 1 typically represents leadership in a relationship. If you are aware that you are a one, you may be able to focus more closely on more compatible numbers such as a number 6 who typically is compassionate and caring and doesn't mind someone leading the way. Matching a number 1 with a number 9 can be a difficult road with the headstrong attitude of a one and the elevated, people first motives of a number 9. By using compatibility analysis to find love, you are taking some of the guess work out of your search and also finding out more about yourself along the way.

The Best and Worst of the Matches

Some of the best matches in numerology is thought to be two number 4's thanks to their strong foundation, a number 4 and a 7 as well as number 5's paired with an 8. Number 6's are often strongly matched with 8's but are most poorly matched with a 7 thanks to the inability to compromise. Two number 7's together can be a recipe for disaster with a pre-disposition for insisting on being different. A number 7 and a number 9 can be a really great match however. A number 9 is also a great match for an 8, with spirit and freedom in abundance. And ultimately lucky are two number 9's who typically tune in to the deep emotions of each other.

Gemini - Wednesday - 6/17/2009 - Soul Horoscopes

Your daily video horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer, Christopher Witecki, and live love be!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Libra - Friday - 04/02/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sagittarius - Friday - 04/02/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vedic Astrology Horoscope - Sun in Cancer - Venus - Moon - More on Saturn

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The Sun has entered Cancer in the Sidereal zodiac, bringing a strong tendency to nurture and emotionally protect our loved ones. When the Sun goes through Cancer the quality of divine motherhood is awakened in each of us -- at least that is the potential. Suddenly there's a renewed sensitivity to all of us as children. There is a great possibility for all to lay down their weapons and sympathize with their enemies for the next couple of weeks.

Cancer is the sign of sensitivity, compassion and motherhood. It is ruled by the moon, the planet of selfless love, nurturing and peace. This is different than the type of love we have in relationships which are transactional in nature. Relationship love is between two equals, two grown-ups. In relationship love, each person has to hold up their part of the bargain, whatever that "bargain" is. Every relationship has different boundaries that are negotiated and, however strange those boundaries may look to outsiders, as long as the two partnered agree with the terms, and honor them - there's usually smooth sailing.

This is what makes the relationship house (seventh house) a secondary business / career house. We use the same negotiating skills at our job that we use in our romantic relationship - after all, people are people. The larger issue in relationships is our ability to compromise and satisfy our desires as well as accommodate another person's. Those who are able to yield their desires with dignity do well in relationships. But this takes an authentic desire to please others combined with an equally authentic intuition which knows where to draw the line and can draw that line without anger or excessive ego.

However, the capacity to play fair and negotiate and uphold common boundaries, etc. will be very damaging in a parent / child relationship. Once a parent starts demanding the child treat them as an equal, at least when they're young, there can be great harm done. Of course, once the child grows up into teenage years and beyond the relationship starts to develop and mature. But still, the parent must always put the needed the child ahead of their own. Fortunately, nature makes this easy -- once the child begins to grow up and develop their own personality, many immature parents stop serving the child / selflessly loving the child - and start to a great deal of harm.

Negotiating proper relationship boundaries are related to Venus and powerfully expressed through the Cardinal sign she rules, Libra - the sign of relationships. And, as was said, the Moon rules selfless parental love that only knows how to give. The mother loves the child no matter what the child does. But this shows the inherent struggle between Venus and the moon - the inherent struggle between selfless love and conditional love.

It's very easy to mix these two things up in our mind. When relationships become dominated by a selfless, parental type of love -- is only a matter of time before it starts to feel like abuse for one and co-managing for the other. There has to be accountability first, only then can romantic love become selfless, devoted love. Similarly if the parent / child love is too transactional, with a parent constantly insisting upon the immature mind of the child to be accountable for their emotional mistakes, as we would expect from our partner, much trouble arises also. Without the paradigm of selfless love in the parent/child relationship, the parent will not be able to insist upon accountability without the child feeling attacked.

This is an important issue at this time with Venus about to go retrograde into the sign of Cancer. In Vedic astrology both the moon and the Sun are enemies of Venus. This enmity is expressed in different ways. The influence of the moon on Venus (including occupying the sign of Cancer) is to confuse the transactional nature and expectation of adult relationship boundaries with the utterly selfless, caretaking, maternal nature of the moon. The influence of the Sun on Venus (including occupying the sign of Leo) is to insist upon a passionate, fiery and romantically accountable nature.

These themes will play out in the upcoming Venus retrograde cycle discussed last week in this newsletter.

The upcoming Venus retrograde cycle will mirror the recent Saturn retrograde cycle and also foreshadow next year's Mars/Ketu conjunction at 28° Cancer. There is another very important factor that must be kept in mind relative to this Saturn / Venus relationship.

Monday, May 10, 2010

All True Horoscope - Accurate 365 Days A Year

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The Probably True horoscope includes several advances over the old-fashioned conventional type you can see in many magazines and papers.

Using amazing techniques developed through centuries of patient study by men and women all over the globe, we have been able to not only increase the accuracy to almost 100%, but we have also been able to compress the unwieldy twelve categories of the conventional horoscope into just one!

But perhaps the most incredible advance over conventional horoscopes is that the Probably True horoscope can be re-used every day YET WILL STILL RETAIN ITS ACCURACY!

Sounds impossible I hear you say....but I invite you to see for yourself:

(Jan 1 - Dec 31)

Events will happen today, and may be good or bad.

Your ability to communicate, if possessed, may help in any interactions with other members of your species, should there be any.

Mars, the red planet, will likely continue orbiting the sun entirely oblivious of your existence, but then Mars, in as much as it can be said to have a personality at all (not much, as it doesn't), is a master of obliviousness.

Venus, the goddess of feminine razor blades, is a fictional entity, but that won't stop the identically named planet continuing to possess a corrosive atmosphere and unpleasant surface temperature!

Stars across the heavens will spectacularly fail to notice you today, as they did yesterday too but don't let them get you down - interactions of physical objects a little closer to home will likely be more significant factors in how today pans out for you!

The galaxies will continue their cosmic dance today without taking time-out to offer you vague financial advice or hint that you will meet a tall dark stranger (which, with Saturn ascendant may or - with mighty Jupiter in the House of Fraser - may not, happen today).

To find out more about what will happen today, please experience it.

(Please note that this is a spoof horoscope and should not be taken any more seriously than a genuine one!)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Capricorn - Your Personal Horoscope For March 2010

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At the beginning of March you might feel rather annoyed. That other people are bothering you, that you don't have any peace and quiet. But rather than lose your temper, you should try to understand what's going on. You're being reminded that you haven't got all the answers, and that sometimes you need to engage with other people's ideas.

In the process you might have to do some short-distance travelling. Visiting a number of different people and getting to grips with their particular life experiences.

You mustn't feel that you're wasting your time. Because in early March Mercury is making a fantastic conjunction to Jupiter, and the right conversation can move you forward, in many different ways.

On March 7 Venus, your career ruler, changes sign, from Pisces to Aries. If you're working, there might be a change of emphasis. There'll be less focus on ideas, and plans, and instead you'll be trying to create security for yourself and your workmates, and perhaps for your employers as well.

Put another way, the talking and thinking have been done, and it's now time to bring things down to earth.

Yet you can't expect everything to run smoothly. On March 11 and 12 Venus aspects Pluto, and in your working environment there might be a power struggle. A power struggle that's more emotional than practical, where people get obsessed about nothing. Somehow, you need to stand back, and get a sense of perspective.

On March 15 there's a New Moon. You can start communicating in a new way, perhaps using new technology. At first you mightn't have a clue what you're doing, but if you read the instruction manual things will become very clear. You'll then be able to get through to many different people - but in such a way that doesn't compromise your core boundaries.

As far as your love life is concerned, you can't expect much to happen, and for most Capricorns it will be a case of ploughing a steady course. If you're looking for new love, be patient and don't get too emotional too quickly.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Are You Strong Enough to Love on Valentine's Day?

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Valentine's Day falls during the time of Aquarius with its energy of scientific reasoning pulsating through every one of our cells. Let's see if Aquarius could give us some insights about Love. It has certainly given us every possible invention to connect us more; giving us time for each other.

Aquarius's scientific reasoning says most everything can simplify to one duality: Will/Love. Will is the masculine aspect of each of us, and Love is our feminine aspect. Each of life's scenarios, no matter what it looks like, has an underlying purpose. It is for us to progress to the point where we have developed the balance of both Will and Love. That may not sound so sexy, but that's why we develop these qualities in action-filled life circumstances. Still, if you ask yourself what went awry in each conflict and what you would need to develop in yourself to be able to be a winner next time, the answer will be one you need either more Will/Strength or Love.

Will has many different expressions: empowerment, respect, strength, courage, humble, discerning, passionate, controlled, integrity, perseverance, confidence, self confidence, determination, fairness and charity. Look inside yourself. How do you express this will in its most balanced form? Add a few to the list from your own experiences.

You don't want to miss out on any of life's journeys that it takes to develop these Will qualities. Just become conscious of the end result; the quality or expression you are striving for instead of the negative qualities such as: being too weak or not strong or willful enough, too strong or too abusive. That's just steps along the way, not the end goal. But don't give up or make yourself wrong and quit. Don't have an accident or illness to take away your power. The balance of will is worth all its journeys.

Let's hope you are getting closer and closer. Will is the expression of the patriarch civilization we've been living in all our lives. It is still in charge until December 21, 2012. Then the pendulum swings to the other side of the duality; to Love, which is the expression of a matriarch civilization. You want to be strong enough and have the courage to truly love and be loved. Love has as many hazards along the way to develop as Will, it just looks different. Love may be even more treacherous as its expedition is laced with false love.

Love is clothed in many beautiful appearances: unconditional love, gratitude, acceptance, caring, forgivingness, innocence, vulnerable, sweetness, tenderness, authenticity, transparency, surrender, nurturing, gracefulness, compassion, purity, beauty, patience, helpfulness and service. Look inside yourself to find the way you express your love. And have patience with yourself as you will finally reach your destination of unconditional love. Just keep it in mind, and forgive yourself for any time you've been manipulative, giving out false love or being a needy smothering person. Aquarius's energy helps you step back and be more objective about yourself. Come up with a plan of how to touch into more of the love inside of you and express it. Go for it!

I would tell you that the stronger, the more courage you have, the easier it is to express your love. On Valentine's Day, a day of love, a day of relationships, it's your day to discover just how strong you are. Are you strong enough to forgive those that hurt you this past year, or do you still want revenge? Are you courageous enough to look beyond someone's rejecting behavior, until you find the tiniest spark of love, just begging someone to bring it out. Come on, be brave. Go for as much love as you can today.

Your question for today is, "Which expression of love is appropriate for each of the people in your life?" They are there for you, to develop and grow until you are truly a loving courageous person, both inside and out. If it's your boss, maybe show appreciation for employing you. If it's a friend, have acceptance of all their flaws. If it's your parents, express gratitude for giving you life. Don't forget yourself. Forgiving yourself for not digging deep enough beneath any hurt to find the love that is there waiting to connect with you or are you still beating yourself up for when you were too strong? With your yummy romantic partner, how about a heart orgasm or a night of intimacy?

Don't let Valentine's Day go past without expressing as much love as you've been able to bring to the outside.

3-24-08 Monday Soul Horoscopes AstroWeather Edition

Stand Up Astrologer, Christopher Witecki, delivers all of your horoscope advice and astrology for all 12 zodiac signs 5 days week. live love be

Libra - Friday - 04/02/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Friday, May 7, 2010

Libra - Friday - 04/30/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Horoscope - Lilo and Stitch

I don't know how many people out there love lilo and stitch as much as I do (the original, not all that sequal and seriese crap they made afterwords) but I've always wanted to make a video like this, but it just took me forever to get ahold of some lilo and stitch clips. I hope the minority of lilo and stitch fans out there likes this! ((And, you know people, there's this magical thing below all my videos that says 'views'. It let's me know that some people (very few, lol) are watching my videos. I KNOW YOU'RE WATCHING. Please comment if you watch, I like to know what you have to say, even if it's bad. :D

Scorpio - Monday - 12/21/09 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Horoscopes - Aries 3/21-4/19

The attributes of an Aries are described, in terms of personality, attitude, etc. See more horoscopes at!

Thoughts About Scorpio, Pluto, and Owning Your Personal Power

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"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." ~ Alice Walker

I was taken by that quote, so appropriate for this time of year when the Sun travels through the dark recesses of Scorpio. Pluto ruled Scorpio, after all, is all about power. It is also about purging, ruthlessness and eventually healing and transformation. And in the process, Scorpio's energy allows us to step across the boundaries separating the physical from the spirit.

It is no accident then, that so many mediums, intuitives, and psychics have a strong dose of Pluto, 8th House, or Scorpio in their birth charts.

The gift of Scorpio is to look at death in the face and not flinch. By doing so, you can see past the dying into the essence of what makes us unique yet connected; our inner light, our soul... This is where we find our connection to the Divine--and each other.

But sometimes we cannot access it until we have been stripped bare. In other words, it is not until we face severe challenge and hardship and are forced to give up our external trappings of status, wealth; or it is the loss of someone or something very dear that forces us to go inward. It is when the outer world fails us that we have no choice but to find our inner light.

It is through such experiences that we become wise, and connect to our personal power. That does not come without going through purging and pain. But that is how we find out how strong we really are.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Can I Look Into The Future?

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We all have a need to know what will happen. Some of us suppress the urge but it is always there. There have been age old ways to look into the future that have been tested over time. Of these numerology and astrology seem to be the most popular methods which provoke the supernatural and push us into the realm of foretelling and the paranormal.

Numerology dates back to the 6th century B.C. the most popular proponent of this method was Pethagoreas. It was thought a practicality but soon the magic of numbers extended further. Evidence of the use of numbers to make predictions is seen in ancient Hebrew culture and is referenced in the Kabbalah. Interestingly is the reference in the Bible to numbers such as seven and three. The number seven is referenced 365 times in the bible. Modern day Hebrew leaders have learned to use computer programs which flush out patterns guided by numerical evidence to predict and reference future or significant historical events. One of the most accurate prophetic readings ever made was by a numerologist in their predictions about Hitler over 100 years before he was ever born.

Astrology in its infancy was linked to astronomy. It is said to have started sometime in the 2nd millennium B.C. In the middle ages, so closely was this practice linked to events that the "influenza" actually came from "influence" that the celestial had upon mankind. Guided by planetary and celestial placement at certain times it is said that astrology experts can determine personality and significant events in a person or specific entities lifetime. There has been hypothesized that even time of death can determine a person's eventual placement in the hereafter, i.e. ghost, reincarnation etc...

Regardless of what your position is to these means by which to access the future, there seems to be a bit of truth to the mechanics of these ancient means of divination. Otherwise why would so many believers exist? Whether for fun or for seeking out possible answers numerology and astrology have been at the forefront of this movement for quite a long time.

If you enjoyed this article please visit my new blog below. It is my hope to open up a forum to discuss and delve into the supernatural and paranormal and perhaps find ways to further develop in these areas.

Leo - Friday - 03/26/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Monday, May 3, 2010

Love, Passion and Transformation - Venus-Pluto Aspects

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In your birth chart, does Venus form an angle to Pluto, or do you have Venus in Scorpio or Scorpio planets in your 7th house? What does that say about your relationships-love, family, or friendship? This isn't a light-hearted combination-no strong aspect to Pluto really is, though we all have to integrate Pluto's energies into our lives. Pluto shows our need for power and control over our lives, a need often expressed in covert ways, yet no less dominant for being hidden. Plutonians may use sexuality or gifts of money and possessions as a hook to achieve other ends in relationships. Not everyone with a Venus-Pluto aspect is a Plutonian, but they often fall in love with Plutonians and align themselves with the partner's world view and defense mechanisms.

In drawing conclusions about the effects of various astrological aspects, remember that this aspect is but a piece of the whole, and you need to take all the relationship factors of the chart into account. For a full picture, blend all the aspects to Venus with the state of the 7th, 8th, and 5th houses of the birth chart. Still, we can still learn some common Venus-Pluto patterns from the descriptions that follow.

"SMOKIN'!!" Just as you'd imagine, a great deal of passion can be generated by combining Venus with Pluto. (They don't form aspects so much as cohabit!) Among those with the conjunction, for instance, are Hollywood sex symbols like Antonio Banderas, Sean Penn, and Raquel Welch. Where the combination is strong, the urge to merge with another through sexuality can become compulsive, even to the point of addiction. For others, physical conquest or seduction is more about power over the other person.

"IT'S NOBODY'S BUSINESS IF I DO." Venus-Pluto natives may be sexually active, but these highly private folks consider it nobody else's business. In fact, secrecy enhances the passion. For some of them, sexual intrigue, such as infidelity or the office affair, exerts a lure, the payoff being getting away with it or getting even with someone.

"THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND SEX AND MONEY." We had an old reprobate of a professor at college who adored saying that to shock us. He probably had a Venus-Pluto aspect, not to mention a fairly good grip on politics. Political savvy, combined with personal charm, grants a capacity to hobnob with the movers and shakers.

The famous people I found with Venus-Pluto aspects included many women who married well in order to do some dynasty building. Included were most of the American First Ladies from Eleanor Roosevelt onward. Almost all of them had aspects between Pluto and Venus, Pluto and Mars, or both. The pattern was so marked that I'd begun calling them the First Lady Aspects. They're also seen in the charts of other political like Maria Shriver and among the British Royals-Elizabeth II, Sarah, Duchess of York, and Sophie Rhys-Jones. Political savvy, combined with personal charm, gives these folks the capacity to hobnob with the movers and shakers. The trines like Pat Nixon and Betty Ford seem to do especially well, with an eye to position. They may not be your idea of glamour girls, but apparently know how to keep their men happy.

"YOU AND ME AGAINST THE WORLD." Many Plutonians suffer from fear of betrayal and lack of trust due to childhood traumas and losses. They're often isolated, alienated, and consumed with shame, lest others discover the family secrets. When they find someone to trust, someone who seems to understand and accept them, the relationship becomes a bulwark against unbearable isolation. Thus some of them have a terror of being abandoned and will do anything to keep the object of their love. Some Plutonians don't have relationships, they take hostages. An individual with a Venus-Pluto aspect who isn't Plutonian in all respects may nonetheless accept responsibility for making their Plutonian partner feel safe and loved, not an easy task when there has been serious wounding.

"MY LOVE WILL HEAL YOU." Especially when Neptune aspects are also strong in the person's chart, rescuing can become a strategy for avoiding abandonment. If fixing the other is the foundation of the relationship, there may be unconscious sabotage of the healing in order to bind the loved one close so that they can't leave. The "patient" can come to resent being in this unequal position, ultimately feeling powerless and even suffocated by the rescuer. In the end, the "patient" may strike out through some sort of hurtful action, even a terrible betrayal that finally ends the relationship, but it is done almost as a form of self-preservation. If you have a Venus-Pluto aspect and a painful history of betrayal in relationships, consider whether the dynamic of rescuing played a part in the patterns.

For all of us, love can be a healing vital force in transforming ourselves, so there are those with Venus-Pluto aspects whose loving hearts help heal those who are fortunate enough to encounter them-Dr. Phil McGraw, for instance. That possibility is realized when love heals rather than rescues-empowers rather than enslaves. People who are able to do that are the Venus-Pluto folks who love you and then let you go.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Virgo - Friday - 02/12/2010 - Soul Horoscopes

Your Daily Video Horoscope presented by Stand Up Astrologer Christopher Witecki and live LOVE bE*

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Make Her Love You - Tips to Make Women Fall Hard For You!

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You want to be the kind of guy that women seem to fall hard for and you don't know how you should approach this. For most guys, just the thought of being able to make a woman feel this way seems to be more than just a little intimidating. You can relax, though. It does not have to be that complicated, no matter what you might think or what your experience tells you.

Here are some tips to make women fall in love with you:

1. Don't put her on a pedestal above you. One of the easiest ways to make a woman seem totally out of your league and your reach is to put her on a level above you. When you do this, you become your own enemy in a way. There is no obstacle but yourself. You have to be able to SEE yourself being on the same level as the woman that you want to make fall in love with you.

2. Don't try too rush the process. Regardless of what the movies might make you think, falling in love does not usually happen overnight. You are going to have to have a little patience if you want to make a woman love you. And you are going to have to learn how to be the desirable kind of man that she can fall in love with easily. This all takes some time, though there are some shortcuts that you can discover.

3. Find a way to generate sexual attraction with a woman. You can make a woman love you and still not want to be in a relationship with you. To put her in a state where she wants to be with you, there has to be an element of sexual attraction in there. If there is no sexual attraction, she might love you, but it will not be in the way that you want her to. Unless you are looking for a friendship, you have to create sexual attraction with women.